Example sentences of "with [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What distinguishes the series of Criminal Justice Acts is the comprehensiveness with which they bring together a range of generally disparate proposals , originating from different sources , bearing on the content of the criminal law , the powers and procedure of the courts , and the treatment ( in the widest sense ) of offenders .
2 Where had they all gone , those extraordinary skinny left-wing men , who had bullied their girl-friends into the Women 's Movement and been surprised when the hand with which they had so kindly offered freedom had been bitten so damn hard ?
3 Abolitionists were also therefore demanding direct intervention by the imperial government to end a species of property and override the role of local assemblies with which they had earlier been prepared to collaborate .
4 Furthermore , Morgan was interested in the patterns which kinship terms create , not just for themselves , but because he believed they reflected the system of marriage with which they had originally been used .
5 The opposite problem is experienced by those who are lacking in confidence , who feel that they should not worry other people with their problems and who , if they finally make an appointment , tend to rush through it and come away without covering all the points with which they had really hoped to deal .
6 In other species males have evolved special weapons with which they fight over females .
7 But the efficiency and the ease with which they brushed aside Nottingham Forest 's disappointing challenge at Wembley will be the source of great encouragement for Mr Ferguson 's side .
8 Death , with which they lived so intimately , could not be detached from their lives as an object of contemplation .
9 Anxiety management training is about helping clients to understand what is going on , then teaching them skills to cope with anxiety , then encouraging them to put themselves deliberately into situations which create anxiety but with which they cope successfully .
10 The upper half of their beak has a hook in it with which they latch on to a flower .
11 Until such a time , the way remains open for doctors to vilify colleagues publicly with impunity and to mount ill founded and unscientific attacks on approaches to care with which they do not agree .
12 And it was suggested that their participation in the decision-making process , coupled with scrupulous adherence to principles of openness and fairness in that process , may persuade them to accept decisions and policies with which they do not agree .
13 The public interest is better served by encouraging newspapers to publish unorthodox points of view in letters columns — an objective which is not helped by depriving them of a " fair comment " defence when they publish letters with which they do not agree .
14 Their draughts of memory were clear and generous but the daughters — in truth Richard 's nieces but brought up as his sisters — thought there were points with which they did not wish to embarrass their mother and after our talks Rhianon wrote :
15 Since in the case of a solicitors ' partnership all parties to such agreements should be taken as being familiar with the legal principles governing covenants in restraint of trade as well as with the particular circumstances of the practice with which they have all been involved , it might be thought that the court would be unwilling to substitute its own ideas as to what might constitute reasonable protection for the business .
16 Why , then , are historians so adamant in developing their computational methods and resources in near complete isolation from other communities with which they have so much in common and from which they have borrowed so extensively ?
17 The idea that mental events are physical , however , is not the idea , whether true or false , that mental events are in fact identical with the particular kind of physical events with which they have often been and are still identified , which is to say neural events .
18 But Robbie Supple had been keeping his powder dry on Very Very Ordinary and there was nothing in the least ‘ ordinary ’ about the long , relentless charge with which they mowed down the leading pair between the last two fences .
19 The formation of the commercial basis of the kingdoms is not uniform and geography must have played an important part in the speed with which they evolved out of the less commercial exchanges of primitive valuables between earlier corporate descent groups and cohesive political units .
20 The 1975 Lyceum concerts were not the first Walters shows in London , but the impact with which they hit still has implications for reggae today .
21 There is , I have found , some gentle entertainment to be had in discussion with publishers ' representatives , observing the wide-eyed eagerness with which they greet potentially saleable ideas , and their clenched , wary , glazed-eyes response to proposals they feel negative about , or perhaps do not understand .
22 It is crucial that we provide as many opportunities as possible for children to discuss what they are doing in the language with which they feel most comfortable .
23 The persistence with which they fly down their victims is quite distinct from the desultory mutual robbery of immature gulls .
24 ‘ Each of us was complaining about the spies ’ equipment with which we had both been issued .
25 Our silence offers God an opportunity to speak to the soul and it can provide blessed relief from over-activity and the torrent of speech and song with which we assail both his ears and our own .
26 The collector , then , will always examine the evidence that his book is complete in every respect and , as well as all the trimmings with which we have temporarily been preoccupied , will carefully test the completeness of the text itself .
27 NOW we have sent the Calibans grimacing and snarling back to their caves for a further spell , perhaps nice Mr Major will address himself to a problem with which we did not like to trouble him during the election .
28 Not only has the quality improved , but the frenzy with which we threw away 4-bit , 8-bit , and 16-bit computers has now reached a plateau at 32-bits .
29 We all have proper names , but familiarity allows us to give each other nicknames with which we feel more comfortable .
30 Trespass by beasts so often takes the form of ‘ cattle trespass ’ ( with which we deal separately ) that one does not meet with many ordinary actions for trespass in the reports .
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