Example sentences of "with [pron] [Wh pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My family and these here with them who serve me salute you . ’
2 Therese had explained the rule here that a girl must either accept to dance with everyone who asked her or not get up at all .
3 ‘ I 'm not travelling with someone who thinks I 'm here intent on blackmail .
4 It 's no fun living with someone who thinks she 's a cross between Virginia Woolf and the Queen Mother .
5 ‘ How do you like your egg ? ’ asked Lydia , determined to be pleasant since the one thing more disagreeable than staying with someone you detested was staying with someone who detested you too .
6 Parent Ali Smith says it 's reassuring to know that you 're leaving the children with someone who knows what to do in a crisis .
7 You can see that there 's no point in the Bible writers wasting ink explaining how to go out with someone who fancies you when ‘ going out ’ and ‘ fancying ’ were n't part of the way that they did things then !
8 The best thing at the moment was to be with someone who admired her and was kind .
9 Bathsheba could not remain angry for long with someone who admired her as much as he obviously did .
10 He went home on the Saturday night of his third week with someone who invited him to stay for Sunday lunch .
11 Make friends with someone who finds it easy to be spontaneous .
12 Underwood and Carling 's tissue types will be stored on computer until they can be matched up with somebody who needs them .
13 Yes , well , if you go , if just you and I go we 're likely to end up with somebody who knows us .
14 It was a novel experience for Preston , going out with somebody who wanted him for his body .
15 Good practice for them getting there : fly to Paris make contact with somebody who gives them a new passport find your own way to Frankfurt . ’
16 It usually does the trick with anyone who loves their job .
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