Example sentences of "with [pron] [noun] [conj] her " in BNC.

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1 Will he be as happy as his stepmother to indulge the coach parties , the corporate guests , the Japanese tourists with whom Raine and her husband spent so much time ?
2 Now I 'm going to have a long cold drink in a quiet garden with my daughter and her new young man .
3 I like living with my mum and her little girl .
4 And I can also remember him standing in the hall with my mum and her saying , ‘ I am going out ! ’ and him , for some reason I will never understand , bursting into tears .
5 A little while after that my Mum went to live with my sister and her family , so I had to go into a bedsit .
6 Yet , I 'm sure she will learn a lot from being in contact with my cousin and her husband , not to mention with the Crane-Boulders themselves , you know , the owners of the estate , because they socialise liberally .
7 Belinda says : ‘ I remember looking at her clearly for the first time , searching for that visual connection with my family or her father 's , some genetic connection to identify myself with her , but seeing instead that otherness — the look of a stranger .
8 I live with my girlfriend and her mother in Flushing . ’
9 I was fed up with her misery and her disapproval .
10 Robyn wandered outside , alone with her thoughts and her anger for another hour , until hunger and a curious desire to see Luke again drove her back indoors .
11 Then she drew him up to her , and lowered her own head to take him in her mouth , her tongue darting out in tender forays at the base of his penis , stroking his belly with her hair as her teeth gently nibbled his manhood .
12 She banged the door , pushing at it with her foot because her hands were occupied .
13 With her catapult and her shop lifting , Jake causes chaos .
14 Mrs Lydan has only been left with her memories since her husband died .
15 When I regressed her , Eileen did in fact describe to me a happy , boisterous childhood with her sister and her six brothers — all of whom took great delight in spoiling their baby sister .
16 It is also dated , self-indulgent , idiosyncratic and devilishly difficult to marry to the central theme which revolves round Marlene 's work , her rapport with her sister and her sub-GCE niece , Angie .
17 Mary had been plain , solemn and dogmatic ; Elizabeth was intelligent , lighthearted and in love with her country and her people .
18 Leith fought a dreadful battle with her conscience when her friendship with Rosemary vied with the necessity of telling her mother an outright lie .
19 It was against her nature to tell anything but the whitest of white lies , but she was of necessity getting better at it , though it would never sit comfortably with her conscience and her sense of fairness and justice .
20 ‘ What are you doing … ? ’ she demanded , trying to sound strong , but her voice was filled with her heartbeat and her vulnerability .
21 ‘ She knows how to defend herself with her nails and her teeth to stop anything happening to her children .
22 She 's grown up in an atmosphere of decadence and disgustingness where her mother 's with her uncle and her uncle 's this lech , and people are being beheaded and crucified and tortured and murdered all around her . ’
23 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
24 It 's like a little cave in there in the dark with her rags and her bits of cardboard — like a cave and she 's an animal who lives there and is all scared and angry when someone comes in by accident .
25 Dimity covered her face with her hands and her thin shoulders shook .
26 The neighbour who denounced the cow 's owner for casting a spell on her husband gripped the dock with her hands till her brown knuckles went white .
27 She sat in the garden with her beer and her Ploughman 's and read her book .
28 More people began to come in , so that she was no longer alone on the paved bit with her magazine and her sandwiches and her towel .
29 It had been a chance perhaps worth taking to violate Belgian neutrality , but this had brought Great Britain , with her Empire and her naval supremacy into the War , with the inevitable result that Germany would , by blockade , eventually be brought to starvation .
30 Her mother covered her mouth with her hand and her face went pale .
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