Example sentences of "with [art] [noun pl] or [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps there would be studying for some of us , discourse with the druids or the sorcerers .
2 The power vested in the federal government is that delegated in the United States Constitution : all other powers not delegated rest with the states or the people .
3 Erm but this is more or less , indigenous within the engineering industry , there is even inherent within an engineering mind , and I 'm not with the planners or the technical experts , but even in the ordinary lay engineer , he looks to be able to do the job more efficiently , with the materials that he has in hand er and possibly introduce a new type of tool if he can get the proper material , and likewise the employer was doing the same thing .
4 However , this analysis is not concerned with the merits or the efficacy of policies , but with a president 's success or failure in gaining acceptance of his policies by other political actors .
5 While the Anglo-American partnership was vital but unequal in maintaining the First and Second Pillars of grand strategy , Britain was expected to go it alone in supporting the Third Pillar , which was an essentially British requirement that had little to do with the Americans or the North Atlantic Alliance .
6 For example , many of you who read this chapter will be able to recall specific teachers you have met and particular lessons that you can remember — probably because of some incident associated with the teachers or the lesson .
7 That this House believes that the death penalty for murder no longer accords with the needs or the true interests of a civilised society , and calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to introduce forthwith legislation for its abolition or for its suspension for an experimental period .
8 During their hearings , the prosecution had made no reference of any kind to suggest that the authorities had information to connect them with the murders or the alleged meeting to plan it .
9 but she leaves them with the neighbours or a neighbour , but I mean it 's all different to bringing them up yourself , in n it ?
10 With the runny nose there could be a problem with the sinuses or the pony may be a catarrh sufferer .
11 Erm so er yeah erm again y'know I do n't have any particular c quarrels with the wordings or the the content of the items .
12 ‘ What remained of the car was examined but , as far as could be told , there was nothing wrong with the brakes or the steering and the tyres were nearly new . ’
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