Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the back there is a long , formal garden , stretching away past ponds and flower beds to an ample pergola , and on the other three sides park land , with a great many hydrangeas .
2 I have shaken hands with a great many friends , but there are some things I want to know which no-one seems able to explain .
3 As for printers the most common requirement is to print a table with a great many columns and this is easier using a wide carriage printer .
4 Then another two or three days went by , and my brother 's wife telephoned from Bakovka ( where there was a dacha containing a collection of pictures by some young artists , along with a great many works and drawings by Anatoly Zverev ) : ‘ Fire ! ! !
5 He was well aware of the anthropomorphism and indeed found it satisfying ; it was as though , in the Britches , thigh-deep in lashing nettle and octopus strands of clutching bramble he was coming to grips at last with a great many things and , as often as not , getting the upper hand .
6 The conflicts of Horus and Seth formed an epic struggle with a great many episodes , during the course of which neither god escaped injury , but Horus achieved the final victory in this triumph of good over evil .
7 Client care , at its most basic and in common with a great many practice development concepts , is the application of common sense : giving the clients what they want , putting the client first and , above all , asking clients for their views on what constitutes good service .
8 Why , Mamma , I could astonish you with a great many words you never heard in your life .
9 She had acquired , with the ready assistance of Alison and Franca , some charming cotton dresses , and also , for the cooler weather , some rather smart dresses of light wool in mistily dark shades of blue and brown , together with a great many silk scarves from Liberty 's .
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