Example sentences of "with [art] [noun sg] on it " in BNC.

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1 That 's Robert 's with the cream on it that 's
2 You know with that that looks very creamy with the cream on it .
3 then with the description on it
4 The Ilhéu de Fora , with the lighthouse on it , is separated from the land by a 165m wide channel through which the boat to Porto Santo passes in all but the roughest weather .
5 It was the one , it 's a Golf with the boot on it and they 're called Jettas .
6 Everything 's , everything will start growing with the warmth on it .
7 You paid a small fee you see or a small charge to have this and the your mother used to put the the dough in the tin and er a little s bit of paper with the name on it , you see with a name on it and that used to go in to the oven .
8 A little boy tugged at my skirt ; I looked down and saw a brown face with the sun on it , smiling .
9 He 's there , still curled up and still secured by the tape , but he must have wriggled his way through to here while you were down in the cellar ; he 's knocked over a table with the phone on it and he 's just turning the phone the right way up as you enter the lounge and see him .
10 Well which one 's , well this one 's Karen 's , the one with the piggy on it
11 the one with the piggy on it .
12 Bang it with the paper on it then it wo n't go all over the place .
13 The job 's been never finished never will be finished with the corporation on it .
14 Erm , erm , they go to see , they , first of all it starts with them looking at a notice board with the notice on it .
15 Dave barrelled his way over to the table with the food on it .
16 And with the creosote on it , it look 's like new .
17 If you look back to the cel with the plane on it , you can see its background is cyan , which has also been designated transparent , but only for that actor .
18 Two months later Deborah passed the Pony Rider tests and became the first Brownie in the Pack to win the badge with the pony on it .
19 I saw his face close , with the light on it .
20 It 's the one with the broch on it .
21 John Fletcher , who spends his spare time stargazing , photographed comet Swift Tuttle — an object which some astronomers fear may collide with the earth on it 's next visit .
22 But if they 've got this nice little folder with the warranty on it , they think it 's covered , do n't they , by the warranty .
23 When I was young , we had an old Victorian wardrobe with a mirror on it that I used to sing to .
24 " Trust him to land a good catch on his first day out , " he muttered to himself , and watched as the boat struck her sails and picked up her mooring , which was marked by a pig 's bladder float with a feather on it , a stone 's throw offshore in the stretch of water known as Polruan 's Pool .
25 And er and and the hats with with the bow with a bow on it .
26 And a and a suitcase with a tag on it .
27 It 's a clear , almost colourless liquid in a little bottle with a spout on it , and Mother would put on her glasses and measure a drop or two very carefully into a drink for us , or into the water for the cattle .
28 And there was a a path which had been trodden back and forth down to this er shaft with a pump on it .
29 It was thick and almost crudely black , with a shine on it like molasses .
30 I will produce many children and get fat and wear stretch maternity jeans ( even after I have given birth ) and an apron with a daisy on it .
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