Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The underlying goal of keeping global capitalism on course is in constant tension with the selfish and destabilizing actions of those who can not resist system-threatening opportunities to get rich quick or to cut their losses .
2 The aim of this project is therefore to undertake a comparison of South Africa 's labour legislation with the ILO standards in order to ascertain the degree to which the former conform with the latter and provide a comprehensive historical resource base .
3 Some of the documents contain several trust clauses in succession , which confirms the impression that their use began with the practical and ended with the formulaic .
4 And the list grew longer every time , for he did n't just read the new names but began with the first and proceeded to the newest , the tension in his cathedral growing as he reached the end of the litany of those whose names were already familiar and , without pause , added those of the latest .
5 Vashinov laughed , and as he brought Vera to a climax with one hand he took his cigarette from his lips with the other and burnt the young officer 's left cheek with its glowing end .
6 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
7 He was used to sailing with the best and got exasperated with the Soviet crew .
8 Nevertheless they still wanted a worker who could communicate with the young and relate to them .
9 However , Jesus ' free association with the poor and despised should not be interpreted to indicate their automatic admission into the Kingdom by virtue of their downtrodden position in society .
10 All of that placed him very safely above London 's poor manual labourers — but it should not persuade either him or us that he had achieved social parity with the genteel and leisured classes .
11 It had Breton blood but , like the Breton , was heavily crossed with the Friesian and became extinct by the 1960s .
12 The aesthetic inventions of the South Seas and Australia have their own value as a communication with the invisible and represent a last witness of the more ancient cultures that somehow linked Asia with the shores of the American continent .
13 Monks were supposed to enjoy Lectio : in the scriptures and in the writings of the fathers of the Church , the monk had an encounter with the divine and felt that he was in some mysterious sense studying God himself .
14 In 1965 , the then Labour government introduced a scheme of reform requiring local authorities to take steps to dispense with the Eleven-plus and introduce a scheme of comprehensive education .
15 Secondly , he must extricate himself from his involvement with the deceased and search out new relationships as sources of rewarding interaction .
16 Strange talking to Kristin Hersh , trying to connect this sweet , funny girl and her rich , throaty laugh , with the haunted and haunting vinyl presence .
17 Renault feel comfortable with the hatched style that they started with the 16 and developed into a smooth aerodynamic shape with the 25 .
18 It coexists , often uneasily , with the anthropological and extended sociological use to indicate the ‘ whole way of life ’ of a distinct people or other social group .
19 On 17 May Brig Mitchell , commanding 26 Armoured Bde , even signed a local written agreement with the commander of the Yugoslav 14th Division [ KP 143a ] that " all CROAT soldiers SOUTH of the RIVER DRA VA , within 26 Armd Bde area , are the prisoners of Marshal TITO 's forces " , that the brigade would not allow any Croats to cross to the north bank of the river , and that British troops would not interfere with the disarming and taking prisoner of Croat soldiers in the area .
20 Once the new analogy is recognized , it can be compared with the old and shown to be more adequate , in that it dissipates previously insoluble problems .
21 There Paul explains that the new kind of life they live through union with the crucified and risen Christ involves having done with anger , wrath , malice , blasphemy , filthy talk' which characterised ‘ the old man ( i.e. their fallen human nature ) .
22 Geometry disciplines our approach by analysing the variety of possible transformations , starting with the simplest and moving on to take each new complication in turn .
23 Newcomers to the Left could be forgiven for not being acquainted with the tactics of the Communists and with the tortuous and unedifying relationships within the United Front .
24 He welcomed them with open arms , talked freely , played draughts with the younger and learned tables from the elder .
25 Following standard practice the operational amplifier of gain A is denoted by a triangular symbol with the noninverting and inverting inputs marked by positive and negative signs respectively .
26 The altitude is not very good for some of them : a box of old books that I found had congealed together with the damp and had I dared to try and pull one out from the row of upturned spines , to identify it , all the others would have risen too .
27 He will soon find , for instance , the stranger in the furnace with Shadrach , Meshach and Abednego ( Daniel 3 ) , and even the Mount of Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah conversed with the transformed and glorified Jesus ( Matthew 17:1–8 ) .
28 Chris lent a hand with the binding and stacking , reliving her farming and Land Army days .
29 Do the best you can , hope for the best with the unpredictable and try to keep a sense of humour .
30 When it did become available , it was possible to repeat some of the earlier investigations with the CED and OALD using the larger sample size that was recommended , and to include the LDOCE as a further choice of dictionary .
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