Example sentences of "with [noun] [noun] on [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Charles moved back so that the porter could put down a tray with tea things on it .
2 When I stay in hotels around the world , do you know I get photos of naked women pushed under my door with phone numbers on them ?
3 The man turned and gave me a friendly nod , before taking up a small piece of wood with pencil markings on it .
4 Sock Shop , incidentally , says it has no plans as yet for ties with sock motifs on them .
5 It is important , therefore , that there should be a committee , with consumer representatives on it , that can give advice to , and be consulted by , the Government .
6 On the Utah Saints track with Kate Bush on it , I recognised drum patterns from ‘ Pro-Gen ’ .
7 Erm well I 've got , I 've got the album with Broker Deal on it and erm I 've got another tape out which had Hot to Handle on it see I recorded the album
8 It was a narrow , high room with unsuitable , stately proportions to the tall window , which was glazed with frosted glass and half-covered by a torn , plastic curtain with Disney fish on it .
9 POLICE are baffled after a gang stole 150 T-shirts — with Barry Manilow on them .
10 He led the way around the edge of a marsh and then through drier land , with limestone boulders on it .
11 And they said so at the er at the district council , went up to district and I asked for the support of the district council and er probably John immediately said , you have the full support of the district council for it he says and I 'll ensure that you get support with the result I also received four posters direct from the Edinburgh District Council with John photograph on it and with the caption st stating every old age pensioner should be signing here .
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