Example sentences of "for [n mass] with [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Services for people with drug problems
2 Traditionally , those bathrooms for people with mobility problems have n't been attractive — available only in white and with various attachments that appear to be included as afterthoughts .
3 In recent years Lothian has been the lead authority in introducing a number of novel facilities specially designed for people with mobility problems .
4 Both ozone and nitrogen dioxide can cause breathing problems for people with lung complaints , while sulphur dioxide dissolves in water to form acid rain .
5 For people with anxiety problems however it is common for their confidence to become slowly eroded .
6 Roehampton Hospital is , justly , world-famous for its marvellous skills of rehabilitation for people with limb disabilities .
7 Bank overdraft Flexible borrowing up to a certain ceiling for people with bank accounts , usually without security , and paid off over a few months , but can be extended over several years ; interest , calculated each day on how much the account is overdrawn that day , fluctuates in line with bank base rates ( usually about two per cent higher ) .
8 Bank current account loan or ordinary loan Cash loan usually for specific purpose ( like buying expensive durables or cars ) for people with bank accounts , usually without security ( unless it 's a large sum or borrowed for a long time ) ; usually fixed , regular payments over two or three ( occasionally up to seven ) years ; interest on what is owed fluctuates in line with but rather higher than bank base rate .
9 The Open University has begun a new course for people with learning difficulties .
10 Community care — perhaps most especially for people with learning difficulties — should be about expanding the opportunities available to clients and their carers by providing new and varied types of service .
11 These teams ( and the Central Nottinghamshire team ) were line managed direct from County Hall by the SPOs , who had a broad managerial remit for all social services field services for people with learning difficulties .
12 I work at a day centre for people with learning difficulties and we have recently been donated a Brother KH710 .
13 When junior health minister Tim Yeo launched the Mansell report on services for people with learning difficulties with challenging behaviour a couple of months ago , he made the aside that perhaps his audience were wondering why there was need of such a report , given the work the King 's Fund had done in the same area over the years .
15 Is it primarily a handbook for managers or a review of developments in services for people with learning difficulties ?
16 But this is not a busy manager 's ‘ how to ’ manage services for people with learning difficulties in the 1990s .
17 Some readers will feel frustrated by the lack of detailed discussion of current issues such as the implications of care management for community teams for people with learning difficulties or the practicalities of disinvesting in day services and investing in supported employment .
18 Over the past 15 years there have been great advances towards an ordinary life in the community for people with learning difficulties : the growth of ordinary housing ; the development of employment and education opportunities ; steps towards integration in the community and more flexible support services ; and the mushrooming of self-advocacy .
19 But progress in marriage and parenting for people with learning difficulties is much less clear-cut and visible .
20 But for people with learning difficulties — and those involved with them — this is a pressing concern .
21 It was developed following work carried out by Empower , a Lambeth working group on relationships and sexual health for people with learning difficulties .
22 The move was part of the ‘ community care ’ initiative adopted by health authorities to provide housing and support services in ordinary settings for people with learning difficulties .
23 With improvements in educational technologies , more detailed understanding of how behaviour is controlled and developed , and a greater focus on curriculum planning has come a flood of new opportunities for people with learning difficulties .
24 Unfortunately , in the realm of education , particularly for people with learning difficulties , attitudes and practices mitigate against this happening .
25 Any professional approach that does not concern itself with supporting and facilitating these same processes of growth for people with learning difficulties must be seriously open to question .
26 I am a second year diploma in social work student at Bournemouth University and am collecting information on service user evaluation of day services for people with learning difficulties .
27 He decided home ownership for people with learning difficulties should be as much as part of the process of their lives in the community as any other .
28 The Bill places clear duties on the further education funding councils to cater for people with learning difficulties and those councils will be required to allocate resources to discharge those duties .
29 Chris Lock runs a centre for people with learning difficulties at Kidlington .
30 Campaign for learning aids THE newly formed Wrexham and District Forum is to hold two inaugural meetings at the town 's library on June 24 to campaign for better local services for people with learning difficulties .
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