Example sentences of "for [det] who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 For some who have been caring for a dependent relative for many years the problems involved are only too familiar .
2 To commit our cause to God , and especially to pray for those who had been trapped in France and were hurrying to the beaches of Dunkirk .
3 Mike Doogan , chairman of the town 's chamber of trade , said he was bitterly disappointed for those who had been left on the dole .
4 Almost all freeholders would have taken strong exception to the suggestion that their support had been purchased , and this was as true of those gentlemen who had recently obtained posts for themselves or their sons as it was for those who had been less fortunate .
5 Along with the hundred copies Hannah dealt with the following day for those who had been unable to reach Skipton the staggering figure of five hundred books were signed .
6 Such a settlement was to include : recognition of Bosnia-Hercegovina by all the former Yugoslav republics ; respect for the integrity of present frontiers unless changed by mutual agreement ; guarantees for " national communities and minorities " ; and the right of return for those who had been expelled .
7 But for those who 've been caught in the drugs trap … the campaign is out of touch with the real problem .
8 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
9 For those who have been closely watching the developments in the current Intergovernmental Conferences of the European Community , the Dutch proposals of September 1991 confirmed their deepening concern .
10 Later on , however , it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it .
11 Teachers have had to adapt to the need to allow their pupils this kind of responsibility and self-propulsion , and for those who have been accustomed to telling their pupils in detail how to defeat the examiners on the fateful day , this has been a great change .
12 Her husband and colleague Dr E.A. Maury writes , ‘ She continues to show the way for those who have been willing to recognise her and will long do so for those who seek a new orientation for their moral and physical well-being ’ .
13 THE glow of recognition will be sweet for those who have been singled out in the New Year Honours list .
14 Kirk Douglas 's reputation for being difficult has , in recent years , become something of a joke , even for those who have been on the receiving end of his temperament .
15 The proposal is to guarantee a place on ET , or any other training , education , pre-employment course , for those who have been out of work over a set period of time .
16 Thank you Lord , for hearing our prayers for those who have been ill and are now recovering ; thank you for the skills of hospital staff in caring for members of St Leonard 's over the past few weeks .
17 We pray for those who have been called to serve you full-time , and in particular we pray for the Christian workers in the city of Exeter .
18 Former Prime Minister Singh , whose government had been forced to resign largely over its job reservation policy [ see p. 37854 ] , described the ruling as an " overwhelming victory for those who have been suppressed and humiliated for thousands of years " .
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