Example sentences of "for [det] [noun] that [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
2 There are programs available for some computers that will print out various sizes and types of bar codes .
3 In effect we have considered this already ( Chapter 2 ) when we described how delayed retiring times did not tend to be associated with longer sleeps ; it was a rising body temperature that curtailed sleep and over-rode any need for more sleep that might have existed .
4 And yet , cruising the crowd for those overheards that can often give clues to the deeper meaning of an occasion , it became clear that one or two paying punters , a few common or garden turnstile cowboys , had slipped in through the security net .
5 The existence of the ‘ Desire ’ category in the publishing of romantic fiction acts as a filter and displacement for those elements that could challenge the conventions of the romance , thus leaving the romantic formula unchanged .
6 At the other end the Vice-President of the United States of America used language for several minutes that would have lost him the votes of the Moral Majority , had those good citizens had the opportunity to hear him .
7 The old approach to the problem was to raid discarded or inexpensive pieces of surplus equipment for any components that could be removed intact .
8 Moreover , provision had been made for any firm that might become financially insolvent ; in this way , systemic risk was largely averted .
9 Frequently when the horses had finished eating they would get the bucket out of the tire and search for any grain that might have spilled underneath .
10 She waited a few seconds for any sounds that might tell her that her mother was in there but out of her range of sight .
11 Hari half lifted half pushed him through the window and then she waited breathlessly for any sounds that would indicate that Will had been discovered , but when there was nothing , she moved to the door and to her relief , she saw it swing open .
12 It includes provision for any obligations that may arise as a result of the management agreements relating to the sites of special scientific interest .
13 I was still left looking for any element that could be described as cavalier .
14 Targets may be set for any parameter that can be measured as the project proceeds , such as cost , time and performance .
15 The four posts that were advertised were for planning activities for disadvantaged groups , for communications , for any idea that would ‘ assist in the development of McGregor Community College ’ and for home/school work .
16 The offences are subject to defences that may be summarised as being ‘ no-negligence ’ defences , that is , that the organiser was not responsible for any default that may have occurred in the conduct of the meeting or procession .
17 Throughout his book , Anger patiently exhumes the sordid remains of dead film stars , robbing their graves for any evidence that might undermine the official stories that the Hollywood studio system revealed to an adoring public .
18 As Theda followed , she began automatically to braid her long hair in a loose plait , searching among the tangle at her scalp for any pins that might have been left after the tresses had come loose from their moorings .
19 And where the members genuinely have control over the board it is legitimate to regard them as partly responsible for any losses that might result , and hence to view it as inappropriate for the court to come to their aid .
20 This can only be achieved by examining the literature of the subject area thoroughly for any isolates that might possibly have been overlooked .
21 Eggs are the perfect protein , containing all eight essential amino acids , so they can make up for any deficiency that may be caused elsewhere .
22 When everybody is for clean air and against pollution [ it is indeed ] difficult politically to vote for any amendment that would be characterized by the press as weakening the bill .
23 At the first opportunity Mungo would search his cluttered shed for any clues that might be hidden there .
24 She sat at the window , looking out on the gardens , not wanting to be reminded of her ordeal as her two companions searched for any clues that might have been left .
25 The right of shareholders to restrain directors from entering into transactions that fall outside the company 's objects is preserved , however , and the directors remain liable to the company for any loss that may result from entering into such transactions , and to that extent the doctrine of ultra vires survives .
26 At the symposium , ‘ Are You Prepared for IT ? ’ , hosted by Zenith Data Systems , Gates spoke out on object programming , saying he thought the concept was just another hype that extends far beyond the reality available today — having said that , he said to look out for Microsoft 's Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 ‘ during 1993 ’ , saying he was all for any technology that will enable the economical re-use of parts of programs .
27 You should watch out for any fish that may harass all of the other inmates to the point of serious damage ; or for one particular fish being harassed by the rest of its companions to the point of being shoved into a corner .
28 It has to be checked for any messages that could 've been left . ’
29 No brief can be held for any solution that would put France and Western democracy influence out of Indo-China or leave natives believe US indifferent .
30 The plaintiff must agree , expressly or impliedly , to waive any claim for any injury that may befall him due to the lack of reasonable care by the defendant . "
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