Example sentences of "for [det] [noun] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
2 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
3 It was for that reason that I never showed him my poem ‘ To Thomas Hardy in 1940 ’ .
4 Earlier this evening Graham I thought you erm made a complaint about the number of reports that are coming to committee er but it 's not for that reason that I wanted to dispose of this motion now erm but there are other reasons .
5 It 's for that reason that I still support the original line which was to merge the centres with a common management structure headed by a single head of the project .
6 I was right on both counts , but it did not really sink in for some time that I had joined a charity .
7 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
8 Er , this was a read programme for this file that I 've already created .
9 It was for this reason that I had Zowie because I could see how he was with children .
10 I am unaware of any biography in print , and it was for this reason that I wrote this brief account of the life of a truly great man of God .
11 My brother Frankie and sister Liza were a little older than I was , so perhaps it was for this reason that I seemed to end up doing most of the chores .
12 Perhaps it was for this reason that I hated them as much as I resented menstruation itself .
13 It is for this reason that I regard the industrial action which swept through schools in the mid-1980s with regret .
14 It is for this reason that I have confined myself to novels concerned with the period before 1914 .
15 It is for this reason that I do not consider the intervention powers contained in the Act of 1986 , for it is the powers contained in the Lautro Rules that here are relevant .
16 It is for this reason that I suggest therefore that the preferred areas of search should be confined to the corridors of Selby West or Selby East .
17 It was for this reason that I decided that the grounds of referral had not been established . ’
18 It is for these reasons that I felt then , as I do now , that in pursuing an industrial career I was performing a social service , of no less significance than my service in the armed forces .
19 It was for these reasons that I was unable to accept any of the submissions advanced on behalf of the applicant , and that I therefore concluded , in agreement with the other members of the Appellate Committee , that the appeal should be allowed .
20 I believed for many years that I could move towards the future and leave the past behind , that there was no need for me to return home .
21 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
22 I never expected it to be easy , but I do sometimes wish for those moments that I experienced in the distant past , when the umpire used to say , ‘ game , set and match ’ , and you shook hands before entering the comparative safety of the changing room .
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