Example sentences of "for [noun prp] [prep] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thankfully , he found St Erconwald 's fairly deserted except for Watkin to whom he gave strict instructions about the custody of the church , and Ranulf the rat-catcher who had come to remind him of his promise that if a Guild of Rat-Catchers were founded , St Erconwald 's could be their chantry church .
2 ‘ It 's terribly difficult , I keep having to read it again to try and work it out , ’ Gordon says by telephone from New York , where she is enjoying the acclaim for After the War , last summer 's Frederic Raphael TV series for Granada in which she played the Raphael alter ego 's wife .
3 The first part of the programme consists of three short pieces : Cohan 's clever solo for Bhuller in which he discards his garments , in front of Crickmay blow-up photographs , to Britten 's Six Metamorphoses after Ovid ; Bhuller 's own Interlock , which is quite simply about an interlocked couple to the accompaniment of a sitar ; and a dance by Jonathan Lunn , to Philip Glass music , called Doppelganger which is , as you might guess , about a chap confronted by a woman in identical costume whose stuttery movements gradually blend into his own .
4 Though Polly had little sympathy for Clive after what he had put her through , this merciless dismissal of another man 's entire future made her skin crawl .
5 Can you refer me to the part of the key diagram which shows the scheme for York to which you referred a moment ago ?
6 A one-time county cricketer , he still plays for Darlington with whom he has a reputation as a high scorer .
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