Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] could " in BNC.

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1 And it 's never quite fitted for me that he could be so stiff and laconic in Cabinet and yet try and be much more expansive on these set-piece occasions .
2 In Chester one shop had one copy left and would save it for me if I could get there that afternoon .
3 It would be more convenient for me if I could collect them on Friday 10 May in the afternoon , say at 3.30 p.m. or later rather than at 11.30 a.m .
4 You should 've come and knocked for me cos you could 've come in and played computer and everything .
5 Bilaleet was less enjoyable for me as I could n't get used to sweet vermicelli , but then I never liked rice pudding either .
6 ‘ Then Orient came in for me and I could not have been happier with the way things worked out . ’
7 Anita , who with co-star Raymond Slijingaard is at No. 12 with The Magic Friend — the duo 's fourth smash hit in just seven months — reveals : ‘ Everything got too much for me and I could n't cope .
8 Helmut was going to transfer so much a month into a bank account for me and I could draw it out at an office in the Champs-Elysées .
9 Yes , there was n't a job for you if you could n't carry the barley .
10 But , erm , actually it would be probably be nice for you if you could record it in your training session because you can take in your pocket and sometimes you , you can get a better idea of how it 's
11 ‘ You poor thing , ’ cried Martha , and cooked meals for him that he could n't eat .
12 He looked so utterly miserable that she tried to feel sorry for him but she could not .
13 Will was usually writing , and I did bits of business for him when I could .
14 Pleased , that is , until I discovered that I had forgotten to bring the tea bags — the subsequent ‘ Well , why did n't you bring them then 's , ‘ Why is it always my fault 's reminded me of the Quentin Crisp line that marriage was impossible for him because he could not have tolerated an endless succession of mornings when the first words he heard were , ‘ And another thing ’ — and that there were no birds .
15 ‘ Well , we always kept his room for him and he could come and go as he pleased .
16 I 'd have roasted Matilda 's bottom for her so she could n't sit down for a month ! ’
17 She went to find him a pen and paper to write something for her so she could see , she could even be able to tell his character from his writing .
18 ‘ The decided to fight her case for her so she could make a good job of it , ’ Mr Robinson claimed .
19 He pulled up at the farm and got out to open the door for her before she could move .
20 It had been very different for her but he could n't be held responsible for her folly .
21 Her developmental difficulties made this particularly bad for her as she could not generate imaginative ‘ healthy ’ play .
22 But anyway , they allowed this that they did n't have any further use for it that I could have it .
23 Twenty thousand rupees it would cost , but the extension worker said the government would pay for it if they could register a co-operative .
24 It would eat anything — bread , even fruit — but I saved bits of melt for it when I could .
25 A Dunkirk he waited for us so we could tail him through Lille and Mons into Belgium .
26 As in the past we would like to share the profit with another charity and a member of the Executive Committee has offered to act as Promoter for us if we could donate enough to provide 10 holidays for handicapped and needy children where she works ( £600 ) .
27 They could do the big slow jobs for us and we could do — oh , little fast things .
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