Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [conj] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll keep an eye out for them and have a word with them .
2 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
3 I am often asked to lead seminars on a topic which has been chosen for me and has a ti tie like ‘ coming to terms with our own mortality ’ .
4 BETTER EXERCISE Nothing for it but to have a jolly good workout lifting one 's leg .
5 If that is the ‘ professionalism ’ you refer to , sir , I do n't much care for it and have no wish to acquire it . ’
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