Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After having been a teacher in my past , my best answer is this : kids always seem to want to learn stuff that 's way to hard for them at the time .
2 Yeah , but the thing is right they 're sevens and they 're gon na be too small for them by the time holiday gets round say September
3 The bigger problem for me at the time was the way the orchestra was playing .
4 Whether he had had plans laid for me at the time , or whether at the back of his mind , hidden from consciousness , he knew that in taking me to live with him he would be enrolling someone to deal with the business side of his life , I was never sure .
5 Formula feeds without lactose are available , and your doctor may be able to prescribe one for you for a time , if your baby has had gastroenteritis and continues to have colic or diarrhoea afterwards .
6 You stopped because you both decided it was the right thing to do for you at the time .
7 Phone if you want me to saddle up the mare and I 'll have her ready for you by the time you get down here . ’
8 After attempting to speak to his ex-girl friend on the telephone and finding she was out he decided to have another drink , and then started to think about taking some tablets which his GP had prescribed for him at the time when his girl friend had left him .
9 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time .
10 ‘ We tried to sign Chris Waddle , but it was not right for him at the time , we went for Peter Beardsley , but it was not right for Everton .
11 One friend who watched their relationship deteriorate points to Prince Charles 's disinterest and total lack of respect for her at a time when Diana badly needed help .
12 It was about two-thirty , however , when she had need to go for a file which Jimmy would , had he been there , have fetched for her in no time .
13 It seems odd , in retrospect , to see governments delegating so passively their most important educational function , but there were two main reasons for it at the time .
14 If I could have thought of a use for it at the time , I would have stayed and bid .
15 Erm , as the person who mo , moved the original motion , I would be very happy to move the recommendations , and to thank Mr , Mrs , Mr and Mr , who are the only members here present who voted for it at the time .
16 With a bit of luck , she would be begging for it by the time he came back .
17 They used to ‘ baby-sit ’ for us at a time when teenagers resent a ‘ sitter-in ’ , for we were glad to be able to leave Shanti in their care without her realising it — they were there anyway .
18 Especially with songs like Too Much , which was in an unusual key for us at the time .
19 Although it felt like a miraculous coincidence for us at the time , it was more that we were all ready to grapple with this issue in our lives .
20 Fortunately for us at the time there was not the amount of light flak associated with later years , or that which was spawned by some of the Cheshire low level attacks .
21 Er clearly when we have got that situation , we do n't just simply put the numbers in and press the button and you get the answer out at the end , er the people who er did this for us at the time , er are professional er transportation consultants er and given that the key er one of the key outputs from this model was the effect of a er a bypass , then this is something that we looked at in in some detail as well as er the actual effects that the model was putting out .
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