Example sentences of "for [art] [noun sg] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I felt so sorry for the council I almost sent THEM a fiver . ’
2 When I signed up for the trip I really did n't know just what to expect ; when I got my packet information I wondered how I would stand up to it but I soon found I adjusted very well and even though I had never slept in a tent in a tent in a sleeping bag or had any experience canoeing I did OK .
3 I knew that soon I would have to come to grips with what had happened , to wring some meaning out of it to make it endurable ; but for the moment I simply could n't bear to think about it .
4 Was n't satisfied with it , he goes and makes a big one as well but I do n't want a big one , I do n't wan na do a big one for the sale I just wan na do a small one .
5 For the lead I also have an Ibanez Tube Screamer .
6 I 'm not quite sure whether that was a pat on the back or what but anyway erm and when Martin offered you for a drink I actually took it as a cup of tea actually so
7 In becoming anorexic , I was attempting to overcome this confusion , and for a while I partially succeeded .
8 ‘ I do n't see why I should take any more risks for a man I hardly know . ’
9 ‘ Why — because , though at any other time I could perhaps let my feelings have their head , this time , for a reason I simply was n't seeing then , I just knew that it could not be like that with you . ’
10 LADY JONES : Such sackcloth and ashes doings for a wedding I never heard of !
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