Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] that have " in BNC.

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1 His landlord wants him to pay a further $170 to make up for the deposit that 's gone missing .
2 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
3 There was no space in here for the literature that had brightened his being and not enough light between these walls for fairytale merchants brought to life in old romances .
4 ( 1981 ) ) and to note the possibility ( to be taken up shortly ) that the mechanisms responsible for the DOE may in fact be responsible for the effects that have been observed in orthodox studies of acquired distinctiveness .
5 A baby conceived by in vitro fertilization in this way is as genetically related to its father and mother as a normally conceived baby , and the technique is widely accepted as ethically acceptable , although not , of course , by the Catholic Church , for the reasons that have been mentioned above .
6 It 's the time you decide to take revenge for the wrongs that have been done to you when you were too nave and scared to do anything about it .
7 She hunted in the bed for the ribbon that had come of her hair while they were making love .
8 For the predictions that have made him famous , Britain 's top amateur weather-watcher would rather rely on a few observations of his own …
9 He paid her a small allowance , as she , as a married woman , was no longer eligible for the grant that had supported her at university .
10 These races , to be contested on a rich mixture of natural and manufactured snow , offer a showcase for the versatility that has served Kronberger so well .
11 In distinction to this , morality , for the Victorians and increasingly for the generations that have come after , has been to a significant degree organised around concepts of sexuality , so that even when moral attitudes were authoritarian and restrictive , as the dominant notions were for much of the nineteenth century , sexuality had a vigorous presence .
12 She said he was very sorry for the inconvenience that had been caused .
13 The increase for the year that has just begun is 14 per cent .
14 Let rb be the coupon and also the yield that a bond must have in order for the bond that has an issue price P ( the same as the discount security ) to have a value M at maturity ( again the same as the discount security ) .
15 They actually tried to have a structure for the organisation that had doctors , nurses , alternative healers and patients with parity at the organisational level , but they kept the front up that it was run by doctors , because that way they would be acknowledged within the discourses of medicine as having equal power to argue .
16 She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house , making for the road that had led here , the long , twisting road from the main highway .
17 An active sense of guilt for the generation that had been sacrificed encouraged the belief that there was a debt to be repaid to the rising generation .
18 She stared back at him , unable to speak , terrified of betraying the slightest clue that might jolt his memory , but conscious of a heartfelt sense of gratitude for the fever that had kept her so busy during the morning hours .
19 ‘ Democracy Wall ’ soon became a popular venue for those with grievances and a focus for the dissent that had been growing under the surface for years .
20 He was also carrying £70,000 which he was depositing in a bank for payment for the work that had just been completed .
21 We thank you for those in Exeter who have granted permission for the work that has been done on this church building , and for the help that has been given towards the planning of the new building .
22 Father , we are thankful for the work that has been completed on the church building and we rejoice at the skills and abilities that have made it possible .
23 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
24 But it is the same for everyone on this world — even for the races that have no talons . ’
25 So far , it has made me reassuringly hoarse as TML , the builders , and Eurotunnel , the operator , blame each other for the problems that have arisen .
26 DAVID HIRST last night cleared Arsenal 's Steve Bould of blame for the challenge that has destroyed his England recall hopes .
27 And then , almost overnight , energised and full of enthusiasm for the ideas that had emerged from our long discussions of the research evidence ’ .
28 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
29 Abdesselam told the press on July 27 that the elimination of corruption remained a high priority and that " those who paid the price for the measures that have been taken so far are the youth … let no one expect me to make the deprived masses pay any more " .
30 ‘ You can do nothing to make up for the time that 's been wasted checking for a link between that incident and the murder of Hal MacQuillan . ’
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