Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He longed for the austerities of the mission field .
2 to provide computer assistance for the lexicography of the New OED
3 But the old religion had elements which prepared its adherents for the symbolism of the new : the death and resurrection of Osiris , the representations of the mother goddess Isis with her son Horus on her lap , the symbol of life in the form of a cross , the Egyptian ankh .
4 Donleavy tried to make up for it later by arranging a champagne thank-you weekend for the Colemans at the DIA 's expense in an exclusive little Georgetown hotel , but by then they were almost too tired to enjoy it .
5 Mr had opted for the figure nineteen , for the multiplier in the pleadings in this case .
6 But Europe 's Ryder Cup captain Bernard Gallacher will be a happy man if Woosnam and Lyle can maintain this form as both will be needed for the showdown with the United States at the Belfry in September .
7 By his statement of claim , the plaintiff alleged that on July 6 , 1932 , the defendants by their solicitor , a Mr. Kennard , verbally agreed with him that , if he would on July 7 , 1932 , pay the £208 in cash into a bank at Eastbourne for the credit of the solicitor 's firm at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , that payment would satisfy all sums that he owed them and a bankruptcy notice which they had issued in respect of part of the debt would not be served on him .
8 Except when they are earned by the professor as the supervisor of graduate students , as an academic adviser under the regulations for Recognized Students , or ( subject to the approval of the faculty board or boards concerned and the General Board , including approval as to the length of time for which the permission shall be given ) in respect of tutorial teaching for up to four hours per week ( exceptionally up to six hours per week ) , any fees received for lectures or instruction given by the professor in the University shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the department of which he is in charge or , if he is not in charge of the department , shall be paid to the Curators of the University Chest for the credit of the University General Fund .
9 The same procedure for verification was followed as for the records of the meetings .
10 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
11 If the Policyholder was unaware of the faulty roof or did not have reasonable time in which to carry out repairs , then it is in order to deal with the claim for the damage to the internal decorations and/or contents but not the repairs to the roof , which the Policyholder should have carried out as soon as possible .
12 Such damage normally involves earth retaining walls but unless the private residence is also damaged at the same time , there would be no cover for the damage to the wall under this section of the policy .
13 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
14 As far as property damage is concerned , the provisions are really aimed at the consumer market , so , if you buy a home computer as a Christmas present for your uncle and because of a fault it catches fire and causes £1,500 of damage to his house , then your uncle will have a claim under the 1987 Act against the manufacturer of the computer for the damage to the house and furniture .
15 The teenager was ordered to pay £54.34 compensation for the damage to the car .
16 The Policyholder must be legally responsible for the damage under the terms of the lease or tenancy/rental agreement .
17 These nonconformists or dissenters — were no longer , however , simply allowed to opt out and organize their own services , for the legislation of the Clarendon Code passed in the 1660s made any such unauthorized meetings for worship illegal .
18 The Scottish Office is yet to be guaranteed a slot for the legislation in the next session of parliament .
19 But he did not need to do so ; and he could make men pay heavily for the privilege of the regrant , as James V certainly did .
20 The old can not run , and they want the latrine , but only after Exercise are the men permitted to queue for the privilege of the latrines .
21 The Profitboss steers clear of such indulgence , for in the end everyone pays dearly for the privilege of the few .
22 And they were the sort of corsets that gave you the the straight boyish look that was necessary for the clothes of the twenties and the early thirties which were cut on the cross .
23 The new postwar constitutions of France and Italy ( and later that of the new Federal Republic of Germany ) included clauses which allowed for the possibility of the abrogation of national sovereignty in favour of supranational authorities .
24 However , if our policies once allow for the possibility of the human race existing for ever , or into the indefinite future , one can take average happiness over all future time as the effective goal , even from the totalistic point of view , since the contribution to quantity of happiness from population size will anyway be maximal .
25 The most direct approach leaves the village by way of Glen Canisp , taking advantage of a rough road to a shooting lodge and then continuing on a good track along the north base of the mountain until opposite the obvious saddle ; here the track , which heads for the more orthodox mountain of Canisp , is left and a watery beeline made for the foot of the gully descending from the saddle .
26 Morthen reached for the foot of the corpse and dragged Scathach 's body from the funeral mound .
27 The possibility of an increase in Japanese interest rates was raised , but seemed to be ruled out for the present by the Finance Minister , Ryutaro Hashimoto , in a statement made after his return to Tokyo .
28 Her argument was that the subjects of the old master paintings could be disregarded by a painter who wished to find lessons for the present in the artistic practice of the past .
29 Eventually a further final , concurrent budget resolution has to be voted on and submitted for the president 's signature , theoretically in time for the beginning of the financial year on 1 October .
30 We drive into Denver ten minutes late for the beginning of the show .
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