Example sentences of "for [noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Envelopes for donation can be had from Helen Chalmers or Theresa Scott or donations can be put in a plain envelope marked for BMS BIRTHDAY SCHEME .
2 Roh also indicated that the two Koreas ' plans for reunification could be combined in a three-stage formula , starting with the South Korean plan based on a Korean community , and proceeding to a confederal republic of Koryo , as proposed by the North .
3 It follows that any proposal for change would be referred to customary ways of thinking , and this provides for the possibility of operational techniques which realize new ideas being devised as an extension of existing practices .
4 Of course , the pressure for change may be resisted because birds with brightly coloured or greatly elongated feathers are vulnerable to predators .
5 Asking for change can be likened to persuading someone to climb a mountain .
6 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
7 It would be displayed in a special gallery in the Palace of Arts and the proceeds from the small fee charged for admission would be added to the fund set up by the Queen for the benefit of her many charitable concerns .
8 Applications for admission should be submitted as early as possible in the session prior to that in which admission is sought and should not be delayed because the applicant is awaiting examination results or the outcome of applications for scholarships or for admission to other institutions .
9 Permission for building would be given only if the occupier of a new house would live in it for at least six months per year and was a person employed or to be employed locally .
10 Accordingly , the preparation for bargaining should be extended to cover planned concessions .
11 As a book on a single subject , there is a good chance that the need for description will be reduced by extensive illustration , while a favourable judgement on the work has already been implied by the choice of the subject for a monograph .
12 The assessment would probably be more realistic with Mark at home , given adequate community and extended family support ; his needs for attachment would be prejudiced by a move .
13 The new policies envisage that although the state remains the ‘ fundamental instrument ’ in applying educational policy , responsibility for provision should be devolved to non-governmental bodies — including firms , co-operatives , citizens ' associations and social or humanitarian organizations which would subsidize community schools on a non-profit basis .
14 A MIGHTY blow for honesty can be struck today at Lord 's — nothing is required beyond the crowd rising as one for Allan Lamb .
15 With the EC , the UK 's Ministry of Defence and the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency backing it , momentum for ANDF will be generated , he says .
16 These would receive greater scrutiny than hitherto , and the period for decision would be increased from the current statutory ( but , when applied to all applications , impracticable ) two months to three months .
17 The hearing took two days , at the end of which the justices announced that the decision and reasons for decision would be given on the following morning .
18 ( I ) The desirability of contesting the constituency for parliament shall be considered by the Executive Committee of this party in consultation with the National Executive Committee or its officers prior to the procedure laid down in this clause being set in motion .
19 An application to the bishop for permission may be met with either incomprehension or with the calm statement that there is already a church in the neighbouring parish .
20 Claims for damage will be paid on the basis of the cost of repair .
21 Claims for damage will be paid on the basis of the cost of repair .
22 If it is felt that the right climate for settlement can be achieved by displ
23 Profits , turnover , enquiries , for instance can be presented on a monthly , quarterly or annual basis , using percentages instead of actuals , in grouped format , as an index and so on .
24 Entering a name into the diary for instance can be used to trigger an address search .
25 Suppliers selected for trial should be notified and invited to participate in the planning organisation .
26 He hopes that in the ensuing battle of ideas , the weakness of the arguments for inequality will be exposed and young people in particular will be converted to the idea of equality .
27 The Home Help Supervisor will then call to see what type and amount of help is required , and assist them if necessary to complete the forms on which the assessment for payment will be made .
28 Invoices passed for payment could be prelisted in computer prior to posting .
29 The method and timing of application for payment should be prescribed in the terms of a contract .
30 improved value for money should be obtained by cutting down on unnecessary procedures , ( e.g. committals , remand hearings ) , strengthening controls on the progress of legally aided proceeding , changing listing practices , and restricting legal aid to solicitors who have demonstrated competence by membership of an appropriate panel ;
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