Example sentences of "for [noun sg] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 PIBS , which are a form of security specially created for building societies to help them raise funds , are irredeemable and subordinated to all other creditors and shareholders of the building society .
2 For instance parents need their own transport .
3 The department runs both a research and a postgraduate seminar , with guest speakers and opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work .
4 The department runs a research seminar , with guest speakers and opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work .
5 Porter and Paisley were frequently to be found leading such marches and various Ministers for Home Affairs found themselves being denounced by loyalists at Orange rallies .
6 If the harmonization process is to have any hope of acceleration it is essential for law schools to reduce their preoccupation with national law and their assumption of its superiority over other legal systems and to revert at least in some degree to the internationalism of medieval law teaching .
7 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
8 Territorial boundaries seem also to have been tacitly adhered to , and it was usual , especially in London , for funeral furnishers to limit their operations to the confines of the parish in which they were situated , and though many of the late eighteenth-century trade cards include the words ‘ Funerals performed to all parts of Great Britain' , it is doubtful that this offer was ever taken up .
9 Schemes are available for tax payers to covenant their gifts .
10 Since there appear to be no consequences in judicial practice if the label constitutional is applied to a particular law , it is in the end no more than a convenient way for textbook writers to organise their material , just as they produce books on industrial law or commercial law .
11 Sundridge Super League North East Division Two organiser John Davis has issued an urgent appeal for team captains to contact him after thieves stole his car containing all of his tackle and league details .
12 TODAY The Scotsman , together with EuroInfo Centre , is launching a new information service Doing Business in Europe for business readers to help them to exploit the single market .
13 It is something of a boost for drama teachers to have someone as eminent in education as David Hargreaves taking interest in the value of drama , but if the subject is to develop we must find ways of demonstrating its worth more effectively to more such ‘ outsiders ’ .
14 Chamber of Trade chairman , Dick King , told the Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting : ‘ I believe it is basically wrong for membership subscriptions to finance what is in effect a benefit provided for the town , and enjoyed by many other businesses who do not contribute a penny to the upkeep .
15 Insisting that the Platform was not fighting against the party but rather for its " democratic renewal aimed at adapting it to a multiparty system " , Shostakovsky called on Platform supporters to remain inside the CPSU until after the congress ( a view endorsed on April 12 by leading radical Boris Yeltsin ) , and criticized a call made by fellow Democratic Platform leader Igor Chubais on April 11 for Platform supporters to resign their CPSU membership immediately .
16 There is also a need for comparison studies to see what differences there are between the experimental situation and the classroom .
17 I also enclose a copy of my letter to the Local Government Commission asking for information on what opportunities there will be for Parish Councils to make their views known on any proposed boundary changes .
18 My hon. Friend the Member for Wellingborough and the hon. Member for Wesern Isles began their respective speeches by saying , in effect , that now is not the time to introduce land forces into Yugoslavia .
19 An appeal has been launched for government officials to improve their understanding of the importance of preserving nature , and to enforce local restrictions on the poaching , purchasing and smuggling of wildlife .
20 His strangely unsuccessful and continuing quest to write for music papers suggests he was seeking a career in some form of journalism .
21 Daphne was a curlyheaded blonde known as ‘ Snooty ’ , and although we were not natural friends , our predilection for cream buns brought us together — especially when she discovered that I had a never-ending source of supply .
22 Once it was realized that financial self-sufficiency was no longer possible , the focus moved to forms of state control of the railway and the need for state resources to fund its deficit .
23 This uneven set of responses reflects the tension between the need for union negotiators to defend their members ' interests against perceived threats and their ability to generate and implement a long term strategy .
24 SCOTVEC 's audit criteria , by building on existing good practice in centres , will make it easier for centre personnel to find their way through the maze .
25 E-mail offers the chance to reduce the amount of paper moving between staff within RBGE , and the Strategic Plan for Information Services envisages us making increasing use of this facility for internal communication .
26 Property might seem to be an unusual investment for pension funds given its volatile nature , but its inclusion can be defended on the grounds of past long-term returns that have been a good hedge against inflation .
27 Five days later he was strong enough for hospital doctors to allow him home again — this time by car .
28 I mention this cos it could be THE way for list members to get their tickets from the LUFC ticket office , and avoid all that hopeless phoning .
29 A further problem was that it would be difficult for rescue services to locate us in these weather conditions .
30 A spokesman for Liat airlines said they had been told to expect a ‘ prominent personality ’ to arrive in Antigua today .
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