Example sentences of "for [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh well I 'll do my best and if er if they 're stuck for somewhere with a leaf then er we 'll send them round .
2 While some agreements in this area might not endure for long during a war , others might be more effective ( Towle , 1980 ) .
3 The use of a petrol block on a diesel engine is not a problem as the parts are exactly the same The problem is with the crankshaft The diesel unit is of forged steel and carries a ‘ D ’ stamped on the web of the crank The petrol version , whilst sharing exactly the same dimensions is marked P and it is made from cast iron and will not run for long in a diesel unit — as you have discovered Some military petrol engines however are fitted with the forged steel crank and these will fit and run in diesel units
4 Subtle but damning variations of idiolect are unlikely to count for much in a country where people go around wearing tee-shirts inscribed with things like ‘ The essence of brave 's aerial adventure : the flight 's academy of the American east club with the traditional gallery of Great Britain diesel ’ .
5 But he proved , when he joined the illustrious band of Yorkshire bowlers to take 1000 wickets for the county , that experience and craftsmanship still count for much in a game which seems to reserve its greatest acclaim for the lean , young gunslingers .
6 The FRED retains the proposal made in the Discussion Paper , which was supported by the majority of respondents , that convertible debt should be accounted for entirely as a liability until such time as it is actually converted , in preference to methods which seek to reflect the dual nature of convertible debt as part liability and part equity .
7 So you can go for longer without a tint .
8 Firstly , Martin Coleman from High Wycombe has taken me to task for not including a power on/off switch in the circuit of Fig. 4 ( April ‘ 92 ) .
9 Although he engaged in some pastoral work in the years after his ordination , preaching and hearing confessions , his time was spent almost entirely in the papal civil service and , until the appointment to Germany for just over a decade , almost entirely in Rome .
10 She 's been with them now for just over a month , and Angelica has never known a worker like her .
11 From here you walk north-east following forest paths and tracks for just under a mile .
12 Ella Bembridge , for once without a cigarette in her mouth , worked as stoutly as the men , and would have forced her way into the building to collect some of Dimity 's treasures if she had not been forbidden to do so by Harold , who had taken charge with all the ready authority of one who had spent his life organising others .
13 Possessed for once by a spirit of happy hilarity , the Indian crowd unhitched the horses from Mountbatten 's carriage and dragged it through the streets ; British officers were lifted shoulder high and cheered .
14 ‘ City of Truro ’ was in light steam for the last time on the WSR as a static exhibit but upstaged for once by a host of traction and ploughing engines , vintage vehicles and other displays !
15 Miss J. has pretty well run him and now he 's doing a roaring trade and has just married a daughter of Lord Lytton , he 's evidently right in with the right lot of people … and what a God 's mercy that for once in a way these people have got hold of the right man and what a thing for England . ’
16 ‘ And I loved the ending , ’ she added quickly , turning back to face them with her familiar , brilliant smile in place , ‘ with the hero playing himself for once in a crowd of clowns , as though he could only be real in an unreal world and vice versa … .
17 In the States it would be preferable to do a set number of smaller theatre-type places , rather than slogging round for ever as a support band .
18 Edinburgh University , they 'll take copies of them and keep them there for ever as a sort of reference museum .
19 Thirdly , there is a concern to explain to the Community that if there are to be compensations , we can not create a whole new system of compensatory payments which will last for ever at a price which will never be able to be paid .
20 The grass seemed to flow on for ever like a millpond sea .
21 ‘ You 've been sitting in that damned cottage for nigh on a year and you 've become a coward .
22 Undertakers would give the poor no credit and , whilst efforts were being made to raise cash , corpses remained on their deathbeds for up to a fortnight .
23 You can keep the hired car for up to a fortnight .
24 In fact , you could quite happily keep four specimens in a 4′ tank for up to a couple of years , before having to step up to more comfortable accommodation .
25 They require a lot of maintenance and some may be out of action for up to a day a week on a regular basis .
26 It allowed me to work for up to a minute or so rather than seconds , as with a sable , before reloading .
27 The benefits include a lump sum payment for accidental injury up to £50,000 for standard cover and £100,000 for premium cover ; up to £25,000 standard and £50,000 premium for a fatal accident ; £25 or £50 for each day 's hospitalisation for up to a year , £250 or £500 towards specialist outpatient treatment after leaving hospital and up to £500,000 on both levels to cover against third party claims for injury or damage to their property .
28 To give themselves ready cash , some American airlines want to keep a 10% ticket tax for up to a year before handing it over to the government .
29 The A5 flyover is expected to be closed for up to a year .
30 It has thus been customary for dung and bedding to be rotted for up to a year in a midden ( or field heap ) before spreading on the land .
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