Example sentences of "for [pron] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 It 's the legions again making straight for my garden with their big feet .
2 Men waited for her phone call , for her appearance at their doorstep , not the other way around .
3 A BRAVE sister died yesterday as she searched desperately for her brother in their blazing home .
4 There were quite a few of these old Fenian diehards around , still bitter after all those years about their humiliating defeat , still hating the Catholic Church for its condemnation of their movement .
5 Arbitration bestowed legitimacy upon the early trade unions — they were explicitly recognised and the system depended for its effectiveness upon their participation .
6 Indeed , Welsh councils are also unhappy about the fact that the Government have invented a new tax but that the councils are expected to foot part of the bill for its implementation from their existing resources .
7 ‘ As a family we would like to express our most sincere thanks to Detective Chief Superintendent Cooper and all his staff for their diligence in their inquiries and especially for their sympathetic support and concern throughout this extremely difficult time .
8 The senior recruits have gone out with their visitors , before they return to pack ready for their departure to their trade training in the morning .
9 ‘ Many people have lost lots of money in this way but Mr and Mrs Wilkins paid for their decision with their lives . ’
10 The study will extend to an investigation of the work histories of the workers and their labour market aspirations to allow for their experience with their current employer to be fitted into their broader labour market experience .
11 Whatever the reasons for their change from their nautiloid ancestors , the ammonoids were an enormously successful group : thousands of different species have been described , and their variety is so bewildering that many specialists devote their lives to studying only the ammonoids of a particular , short time period .
12 These donations have been greatly appreciated by hospitals in this region for their treatment of their patients .
13 Even so , reasons of convenience generally result in our synchronizing our times of sleep , leisure , and meals , and night workers often adopt a ‘ normal ’ timing for their life-style during their rest days .
14 Francesco Primaticcio and Niccolo del'Abbate are better known for their work outside their native city , and an outsider , Dionys Calvaert , adopted Bologna to exert great influence on the next generation of painters .
15 Many of the girls depend for their livelihood on their wages . "
16 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
17 And though he 's no longer particularly religious himself — although he does believe in God — Pitt says he admires them for their dedication to their beliefs .
18 It is often extremely awkward for people to take time off work , and it is probably the very people who would be most reluctant to lie or make excuses for their absence to their present employers who will be the best candidates from your point of view .
19 Shortly after they entered the embassy the Beijing authorities had issued a warrant for their arrest for their involvement in the " disturbances " .
20 In Long Kesh Prison , fellow prisoners used to save for him part of their daily allowance of milk .
21 Parisian hostesses fought for his presence at their dinner-parties , opera galas and charity balls .
22 In 1145 , however , Count Geoffrey of Anjou and his son Henry had granted the Norman Vexin to Louis VII in return for his acquiescence in their conquest of Normandy .
23 Modern architects were to take a savage and unimaginable revenge on the average man for his rejection of their ‘ we know best ’ anti-humanist ethic .
24 Mr Major should apologise to the British people ‘ for his betrayal of their trust . ’
25 The organisation said it was ‘ astonishing ’ that it was still regarded as a slur for a person to be described as gay , and delivered a letter to Mr Donovan calling for his support in their campaign for the ‘ enactment of legislation for lesbian and gay equality ’ .
26 delivered a letter to Mr Donovan calling for his support in their campaign for the ‘ enactment of legislation for lesbian and gay equality ’ .
27 Graduates remember him for his concern for their personal and academic welfare and for his warmheartedness .
28 For Tony , that he may rest in peace , and for his family for their strengthening and peace .
29 ‘ I do n't know why his tail is like that , but the Percy Lion was erected to the lord of the manor by his tenants in gratitude for his leniency with their rents in a time of hardship .
30 ‘ You mean because they want to care for your sister on their own ? ’
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