Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some black speakers carry this use over into English : me 's all for the Argentinians bombing them up me say " I agree with you "
2 There were more than a few ‘ One Sergeant Wilko ’ and similar chants during the evening , perhaps making up for the heat-of-the-moment bollocking he got at Anfield for taking off a very industrious Rod Wallace .
3 But er it was quite a simple job and er I liked it , then now and again I used to walk down to the station master 's or the station inspector 's office you know , have a chat with him and and get the gen on what was for the weekend working you see .
4 erm and but what is he striding out there in front of people saying this is where I see the vision for the country leading us .
5 He has been waiting two years for a donor and carries a bleeper everywhere — waiting for the call telling him one has been found at last .
6 The historical models of instituted or integrated arts , as distinct from patronized arts , are mostly too far back , in such evidently different social orders , for the principles underlying them to be easy to grasp .
7 This is a useful exercise for the person reading it , too !
8 The new format will make it easier for the person receiving it to pass on relevant information to members of staff with particular subject interests .
9 Could that person obtain advice from people in the armed forces who have legal training , or could the armed forces obtain that sort of advice for the person seeking it ?
10 There is no , statutory obligation for the person organizing it
11 If immunity [ of an arbitrator or quasi-arbitrator ] is claimed then it is for the person claiming it to shew that the functions in the performance of which he was negligent were sufficiently judicial in character .
12 The main thing is not to point out the ‘ factual error ’ because for the person talking it is n't a mistake .
13 Complimenting people is a real pleasure — as much for the recipient as for the person giving it .
14 What is required , however , to avoid indignation among graduands is a very clear statement of the reasons for the University feeling it has a debt to repay .
15 Penry put out a hand , then dropped it , and with a strangled curse turned away to stride off over the cobbles of the arcade , an arresting figure in the autumn sunlight as he went out into the street without a backward glance for the girl watching him go .
16 Provide the best food and water quality , and watch out for the others attacking it .
17 If it had n't been for the colonel letting me have this cottage for a peppercorn rent , God knows where I 'd be . ’
18 His two main sponsors have dropped out of racing for the moment leaving him chasing a £3,000 shortfall .
19 The MS Rousse will make an excellent base for the week allowing us to travel the Danube .
20 There were no small industries around the town , so few working mothers , so no call for the baby minding she had grown accustomed to .
21 Based on your analysis write a brief report for the Bank advising them on whether to continue to provide finance for Belper Ltd .
22 Before a fight begins it is extremely important that the fighters express respect for each other and for the officials judging them .
23 We recently joined with other organisations to write to the Secretary of State for the Environment urging him to change the rules set out in Minerals Planning Guidance Note 3 .
24 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
25 A study by Peters ( 1988 ) showed a similar result comparing subjects ’ memories for a nurse giving them an inoculation with that for a researcher subsequently encountered , they found that face recognition was impaired for the nurse , another result suggesting memory impairment for an arousing event .
26 The Committee developed proposals for a scheme making it obligatory for members in practice to be insured , considered with insurers the implications of low fees and contributed to developments towards harmonisation in the EC .
27 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
28 Preston sat there for a while stroking her and then , when he was sure that she was sleeping soundly , he crossed over to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain and peered cautiously out into the street .
29 Then they charged her £25 for a letter telling her what they had done .
30 He smiled for a moment thinking it was a joke ( a slash of the knife at this point ) and then the smile turned to disbelief — ‘ he did n't look disabled ’ — finally he felt embarrassment that he had progressed through such sensational thoughts .
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