Example sentences of "for [noun] of [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 By 1989 , it accounted for 80% of profits of £71.4 million .
2 The correlations for subtests of groups of items on a particular topic were mostly between 0.6 and 0.8 , although two were 0.4 and 0.5 respectively .
3 The agreement , subject to ratification by the Federal Senate , provided for payment of arrears of US$2,000 million in 1991 , of which 45 per cent was payable immediately and the rest in equal monthly instalments by December 1991 .
4 As this is often linked up with annuities , endowment policies and private pension plans , several of the major life assurance companies , such as the Legal and General Assurance Society ( address on page 155 ) run their own courses as a service for their prospective pensioners , for groups of employees of large companies , or for individuals from smaller companies .
5 Another way of achieving this would fall short of a recognised qualification or certificate but could amount to the giving of credits for completion of parts of a training course .
6 On this hypothesis there was clearly no place for review of findings of fact , in the sense of determining whether the evidence justified the application of a statutory term to particular facts .
7 Mr Campbell sued Mr McGeath for implement of missives of sale of a farm .
8 Jonathon Porritt , environment TV presenter and for director of Friends of the Earth , will be looking at how we can learn to think Green .
9 Her annual garden party , for buyers of fleets of cars and trucks who dealt with her husband , was always a memorable occasion , reported upon in detail by the queen of the social columns of the Tollemarche Advent , a lady who could make or break a local hostess .
10 The limit for first-year infants classes will be 27 and for classes of children of mixed ages , 24 .
11 Revenue — Income tax — Employment — Benefits of directors and higher-paid employees — Concessionary scheme for education of sons of school 's staff — Quantification of cash equivalent of benefit — Whether cash equivalent of benefit made good by payment of reduced fees — Finance Act 1976 ( c. 40 ) , ss. 61(1) , 63(2)
12 Also included are investment incentives for certain enterprise zones and a 50% capital gains exclusion for sales of shares of small companies held for five years .
13 APACHE II scores on admission to ICUs can not be used for comparison of performances of ICUs as they fail to take into account the influences that management prior to ICU admission , such as stabilisation in an operating theatre or ward , may have on physiological variables .
14 However , the State Procurator 's office considered that there was sufficient evidence to prosecute his wife Anastasiya Tsedenbal-Filatova , for misappropriation of resources of the Mongolian Children 's Fund .
15 The joint HDUR and UVR talks ended on March 24 and called for respect of rights of nationalists and minorities , for the right to education in a mother tongue and for an unbiased bilingual media to assess accurately recent disturbances .
16 Perhaps it is unwise to draw a final conclusion , but the balance seems to be against systematic enforcement of modus for public purposes , and for enforcement of trusts of that kind .
17 On this basis the Council issued a statement the following year on Procedure for Validation of Courses of Study , the kernel of which was the CNAA 's wish to respond differently to institutions which themselves differed widely in range of work and in experience : ‘ an application from a college where the staff for the proposed course is of known academic quality and experience may not require the same scrutiny of detail by the Council as in other cases ’ .
18 Arrangements for discharge of functions of licensing boards
19 Plots of I o versus V o for sets of values of V i or I i are known appropriately as output characteristics .
20 Correspondingly , graphs of I i versus V i for sets of values of V o or I o are described as input characteristics .
21 What would you expect to happen to the magnitude of the effect once you had controlled for number of years of full-time education ?
22 The mental health charity MIND had already canvassed the idea of taking the opportunity presented by the decline in the population of the hospitals to argue for sale of parcels of land in order to fund community services .
23 One reason that so few indicators can be shown is the all too frequent changes in the formulae used for allocation of elements of the GRE .
24 See section 3.3.4 and section 3.3.5 for results of comparisons of implementations .
25 In Chomsky 's view , grammars are models of competence , where competence is knowledge of a language idealized away from ( especially ) irregularity or error and variation ; to this , Katz influentially added idealization away from context ( see Lyons , 1977a : 585-91 , for discussion of kinds of idealization ) .
26 Volcanoes can thus provide important test cases for estimates of rates of denudation ( see Section ) .
27 During a three-day visit to BLDSC at Boston Spa , the Thesis Declaration forms were manually scanned for records of loans of the theses .
28 Prior to the passing of the SGSA , s 7(4) of the UCTA prevented exclusion of liability for breach of warranties of title and quiet possession " arising by implication of law " ( see s 7(1) ) , in business contracts ( other than for the sale and hire purchase of goods ) under which possession or ownership of goods was transferred , unless such exclusion passed the test of reasonableness .
29 After a distinguished career as a barrister and judge , he ‘ switched sides ’ in retirement to become a leading champion for victims of miscarriages of justice .
30 Gradually the Home Office reacted ; first with a tentative mention in Penal Practice in a Changing Society ; then with a lukewarm report from a working party in 1961 ; and finally , when all-party pressure was at its height , with a White Paper on Compensation for Victims of Crimes of Violence , published shortly before the 1964 general election .
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