Example sentences of "for [noun] if [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if there are currently any contracts with the Atomic Energy Authority for research into the fabrication of weapons components using plutonium ; and whether any such work has been carried out at Harwell .
2 But if our interests are increasingly focused on different types of expression across a wide social framework , for instance if we are concerned to pursue the dissemination of vernacular innovation across the whole social spectrum , then our previous canons will prove inadequate .
3 These need to be as specific as possible , including a timetable for action if they are to be of any use .
4 The UK market is small ( 4 per cent of the world ) and as Taylor said last year , ‘ we must now look overseas for opportunities if we are to continue our vigorous growth ’ .
5 ‘ There is no excuse for drivers if they are illegally parked .
6 You will not be left on your own to cope with any of these situations and should always ask for guidance if you are unsure .
7 Now , with the M4 and high-speed rail services , they can still go back to Wales for rugby if they are working in London . ’
8 ‘ It could be very useful to be able to negotiate a discount for cash if you are buying luxury items like a fur coat or an expensive piece of jewellery , ’ was the reaction from Patrick Hastings , a City employee who clearly has his mind on women .
9 This group also has a sitting-in service , which is often necessary for carers if they are going to be able to get away and attend meetings at all .
10 Homes with large impersonal reception areas are better for orientation if they are broken up into smaller areas divided from each other .
11 Some medicines contain corn syrup : ask your pharmacist for advice if you are concerned about avoiding all corn products .
12 Ask your pharmacist for advice if you are confused .
13 I think personalised shirts , or even any shirts may be asking for trouble if we are going to mingle rather than just get herded in and out of the away enclosure .
14 As with the other strategies , though , there will be some people for whom this advice is inappropriate : for example if they are unable to avoid feeling guilty , or if the risks involved feel just too great .
15 For example if we are examining a rather impoverished little text containing only five tokens of ( h ) of which four are realized as [ h ] and one as [ ? ] , a speaker score of 20 per cent on this variable is hardly meaningful , even within a single social context , as a characterization of normal language use .
16 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
17 The amount may be higher in certain circumstances — for example if you are a carer entitled to invalid care allowance or if you are disabled , live on your own , get Attendance Allowance , and have no one receiving invalid care allowance for looking after you .
18 Help may also be available for those who care for others , for example if you are looking after a disabled person or an elderly relation .
19 This allows you the choice of fielding characters without their magic items , for example if you are playing without the Warhammer Battle Magic supplement .
20 For example if you are purchasing a 75cl bottle of Tesco Claret at 11.5% vol , it will contain 8½ units of alcohol .
21 For example if there are three Squigs and two Goblins roll a D6 : 1–3 = a Squig hit , 4–5 = a Goblin hit , 6 = roll again .
22 It would be a good idea to ask for details if they are not supplied .
23 They will be reported for prosecution if they are caught lane-dodging again .
24 That is a problem also for teachers if they are to be paid in line with examination results .
25 PLEASE only telephone for information if you are REALLY interested in the item for sale .
26 The task may be simplified for trainees if they are given a hard copy of the 15 documents so that an appropriate system for naming the files can be selected ; file extensions , eg. LET , MEM , REP , may be used to assist identification .
27 Shirley writes : ‘ Medicine does provide satisfactory jobs for women if you are prepared to compromise ’ .
28 You can join the library for £75 if you are not a member of the CIB .
29 A haulier must register for VAT if there are reasonable grounds for believing that its contracts will bring in more than a certain sum per year .
30 We do n't punish people for crimes if they are insane , because we have decided that they ca n't help it .
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