Example sentences of "was being [vb pp] as a " in BNC.

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1 MainMan was n't started right at that point but then DeFries had the idea that he could keep a better eye on David , myself and eventually Mick Ronson , as he was being treated as a solo artist .
2 The man was being treated as a witness who may have information about Moira 's disappearance .
3 The man was being treated as a witness who may have had information to give them concerning Moira 's disappearance .
4 The man interviewed in Doncaster was being treated as a witness who may have information about Moira 's disappearance .
5 What I had meant to say was that he was being inducted as a churchwarden , and the two of them had gone off for the ceremony — my friend was having a busy day !
6 Sadly , however , the team was being painted as a bunch of indisciplined rogues even before the tour had started .
7 The dispute was being regarded as a trial of strength by the labour movement ( in a nationwide context of increased union militancy ) and the solidarity of all the trades in the printing industry impressed the employers still standing out against the men 's memorial .
8 Before long , Giles was being employed as a mundane baggage handler , at Heathrow .
9 By some time in 1940 a cloth version was being worn as a topi flash ; and some time thereafter , on the left sleeve only , by 7 Armd .
10 Another horse with a lot going for him is Cahervillahow who two years ago was being touted as a future winner of the Cheltenham Gold Cup .
11 It is much harder to move from a visual , qualitative appreciation of what can be seen under the microscope to more quantitative measures of how much or how many of any component is present ; yet unless something entirely new was being synthesized as a result of training , then what we might anticipate observing would be small changes in the number , pattern or distribution of existing structures , particularly synapses .
12 The trial was being viewed as a test case for the law , but Isobel Brydie , co-chairman of Scotland 's Campaign Against Irresponsible Drivers , said that as Ballantine had been as convicted on the dangerous driving charge it did not test the court 's response to the new section .
13 On the day that the Sinn Fein president Mr Gerry Adams lost his seat in West Belfast , the blast was being seen as a deliberate attempt by the IRA to place the Irish question firmly back in the political agenda .
14 It was as Everett had feared — the Golden Share was being seen as a kind of sterilization pill which would prevent a takeover and a profitable union .
15 Sandys persuaded his father , the Archbishop of York , that Hooker 's scholarship was being wasted as a country parson , and in 1585 he was appointed as Master of the Temple , in London , where it was his duty to minister to the lawyers of the Inns of Court .
16 The Canal Company leased the mill and , by the early 1800s it was being worked as a corn mill by John Jenkins .
17 Critics argued that Land Rover was being offered as a sweetener to offset the lossmaking Leyland Trucks part of the business , whereas GM claimed that access to its US dealership network would be beneficial to Land Rover .
18 This involved a teacher treating a pupil in a manner which suggested that he or she was the same sort of person as an older brother or sister who had either offended in some way or was being offered as a worthy model .
19 At the LTB 's annual meeting last week , Lord Pitt said London was being undermined as a tourist attraction by a ‘ lack of some kind of co-ordinating body , able to promote the capital and fight for its best interests ’ .
20 Fraser was being tipped as a future Prime Minister .
21 The issue was that of teaching writing on the sabbath , which was being described as a " growing evil " by 1786 .
22 Only a few months ago , he was in prison for ‘ subversion ’ and ‘ anti-state activities ’ ; but yesterday , before the day was out , he was being congratulated as a worthy successor to the country 's first leader , Tomas Garrigue Masaryk .
23 That was a case in which the mother of the infant , then pregnant with the infant , was being carried as a passenger in a train of the railway company in County Down when she fell by the negligence , it was said , of the railway company and the infant was thereby permanently injured and born crippled and deformed .
24 It had the additional advantage that it was well out of the way of prying headquarters staff and was being established as a forward base for the LRDG .
25 The expense of twelve lighting points and six socket outlets ( as high as £30 in the mid-1950s when this was being promoted as a desirable minimum ) also deterred some builders .
26 At last news of the hostages was being reported as a serious story on television .
27 By the mid-1980s , rioting , like the Handsworth and Broadwater Farm disorders of 1985 , was being reported as a manifestation of ‘ criminality , pure and simple ’ ( Gordon and Rosenburg , 1989:20 ) .
28 After two months in prison , I heard the first news about why I was being held as a political prisoner .
29 Preoccupation with the squad was being used as a propaganda ramp for the IRA .
30 LIPHOOK Civil Service Retirement Fellowship met on election day at the village hall as their usual venue at Liphook Church Centre was being used as a polling station .
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