Example sentences of "was even [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 It was even just possible that I should have to spend more of the war in this country than I had done in my own .
2 It was here that Napoleon spent his working day when in residence at the Tuileries and from this study France was governed , for , as his ministers knew : ‘ The Emperor had no reason to fear that anyone doubted that he reigned ; he was even more anxious that they should know that he ruled . ’
3 Bagehot was anxious that the established parties might bid for the support of the working man , and he was even more anxious that a working-class party might arise that would then press for the interests of that class through the ballot box and through Parliament .
4 It was even more extraordinary that the hon. Gentleman seemed to think that the measure had something to do with the poll tax .
5 To these self-appointed custodians of public morals it was even more appalling that those very classes who should in theory be the hope and backbone of republicanism were equally infected by the general tone of light-mindedness :
6 It was felt that if such unity could be achieved in the poorly organized wool textile trade then it was even more likely that it might be achieved in better organized industries .
7 But it was even more clear that the Public Schools had adapted themselves rapidly and skilfully to the demands for a meritocracy as identified by Michael Young .
8 And it was even more important that he should see , also , that she had n't been deflected by persuasive words and looks , kisses that seemed to draw her soul from her body .
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