Example sentences of "was that [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble was that Melanie believed I was in bed with one of them every time I was half an hour late . ’
2 The prohibitionist thinking which affected America in the 1920s was not without supporters in Britain , and the practical result in architecture was that pubs emphasised their domestic image , and encouraged the serving of more food , as against the all-male tradition of ‘ vertical drinking ’ at a bar .
3 ‘ Svend was n't very forthcoming , but the outcome was that Suzie packed her bags and left Copenhagen in high dudgeon yesterday morning .
4 The immediate consequence of the outbreak of war was that Lewis found his circle of friends broken up and changing .
5 By this time the only real difference was that broadcasters lost their separate status along with certain privileges in pensions and related matters , and became civil servants .
6 So it was that Riven found himself attacking a wooden post with a wooden sword that was slippery with mud , and being lectured by the unsmiling Myrcans .
7 The trouble was that Baldwin did it by the methods he had forsworn and that his words and his style of appeal had become alienated front his actions .
8 The trouble was that Arnold said he had had a letter from a Mr Anderson who wanted to caddie for him as well .
9 The main criticism levelled here was that users found it difficult to come off while still living in an environment ‘ full of junkies ’ .
10 The most remarkable thing about this letter was that Knox thought it worthwhile making his appeal even although five days earlier the Lords of the Congregation had taken decisive action .
11 Anyway , the point was that Fagg left me alone and I left him alone .
12 A condition of rescheduling the debt was that Walker split his dual role at the top .
13 Commercial reality : The reason for setting such public targets was that Shah wanted everyone , inside and outside BP Solar , to be absolutely clear about the company 's status .
14 The upshot of this long sessions was that Eliot asked me to send him all the relevant documents , which I did in a letter of 20 May .
15 Perhaps the most important aspect of attempts to manage the ‘ mixed economy ’ during the golden years was that people believed they could work .
16 The view was that people ordered their affairs on the basis of their contractual liability and to allow a third party to sue in tort would upset this arrangement .
17 My view was that people wanted what they regarded as their own pension and my aim was to ensure an expansion in provision .
18 So it was that Levi worked his way down the last holes at Glen Abbey .
19 The difference , if I remember rightly , was that Bach made his trip before he 'd become famous — indeed , took his agent 's Congratulations !
20 One of the bigger problems was that Fergie believed I was taking the mickey out of him by either cheating or going soft and feigning injury .
21 The outcome was that Alfonso banished his most trusted vassal , giving him ten days to leave Castile and Leon .
22 The result of Kirk 's intervention , it seems , was that Robertson left his final version worded only in general terms , without the qualification which would have made his original intention clear .
23 T. B. Panabokke , when Police Magistrate at Matale , was also suspicious : ‘ The usual evidence was that so-and-so lost his animal and that two or three people at different places , when they went to turn water to their fields , met the accused driving the animals away .
24 The other reversal of the 1980s was that banks accelerated their purchases of equities .
25 And as certainly as she knew these things , Cassie also knew that however it was that Johnny got his kicks , it was not for her .
26 The only difference was that Francis did it with more charm .
27 What was very difficult to prove — but was much suspected , especially in the late 1940s , at the time of the first Press Commission — was that advertisers used their leverage to get favourable coverage and dampen criticism .
28 Last night the feeling at Westminster was that Mellor resembled him in only one respect — he may be gone for some time , too .
29 One was that Williams knew nothing about being a music editor .
30 What did bother him was that Graham used him to get at Barak .
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