Example sentences of "was in [det] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Dealing with people came naturally and was in many ways the most important part of the job , but there was more that could come only with experience , and Charles was there to pass on some of the things he had learned over thirty-three years , some of them the hard way .
2 Holiday was in many ways the first modern pop vocalist .
3 A woman 's sexuality indeed was in many ways the key to her economic survival .
4 He was in many ways the wrong choice in the harsh atmosphere of 1952 .
5 But the Doncaster Cord was in many ways the most interesting .
6 The stencilled letters and numerals in Braque 's Portugais are the prelude to the introduction of collage into Cubist painting , and collage was in many ways the logical outcome of the Cubist aesthetic .
7 His apparent obsession with Swindon Town was in many respects the beginning of the end .
8 Miss Danziger also had it in her favour that she was in all things the opposite of Bo-Bo .
9 His only problem was , would he survive long enough to see through what was in some ways the most monumental task he had yet set himself ?
10 In 1893 the eminent physiologist J. S. Burdon-Sanderson ( 1828–1905 ) told the British Association for the Advancement of Science that ‘ oecology ’ was one of the three great divisions of biology , along with physiology and morphology , and was in some ways the most attractive of the three because it came closest to the spirit of what had once been called the ‘ philosophy of living nature ’ .
11 Certainly the ambition was in both cases the same : in a lecture which he gave soon after finishing The Cocktail Party he declared that he only wished to write plays " of contemporary life " .
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