Example sentences of "was in [det] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There is much evidence to suggest that the American transformation was in many cases too sudden , too linked with immediately available federal grants , too concerned in fact with the importance of material provision rather than with steady and persistent thought and experimentation .
2 The network of ditches was in many cases originally designed to take advantage of the winter flooding of the rivers and enabled these areas to be managed as water meadows , a particular form of management which produced good quality hay crops , but is no longer practised or possible with the improvement of drainage and flood prevention .
3 Reception was in many places extremely poor , but the new audience was enthusiastic and seemed not to mind the difficulty involved in tuning to Dar es Salaam .
4 Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us , the chance to look after him , to give back some of the love he had given me , was in many ways terrifically satisfying .
5 In the first instance , it was in many ways conventionally arranged : the teachers and their groups spent most of their time within their home bases where provision was made for most types of activity .
6 The difference was that until 1688 loans had been made directly to the King : he ran the government as an extension of his private household and , although he was the richest individual in the country , he was in many ways just a private borrower like any other and a prudent lender would not trust him with a loan that would run for a long time .
7 In the same year that the school seconded a member of staff to develop the school-industry relationship , our second secondment was in many ways closely related in that we released a member of staff with a brief about the development of a Record of Achievement and Experience ( RAE ) .
8 In fact Marc 's painting after 1911 , with its intense , vibrant colour , and its sense of drama and dynamic tension , was in many ways closer to Futurism than to Cubism .
9 His thought was in many ways inadequately worked out , but he set signposts for the future .
10 The revival was in many ways only a relative one .
11 He was in many ways far ahead of his compatriots in his attitude to these original occupants of Tasmania .
12 Coleridge was in many ways far ahead of his time .
13 Analysing the relationship may — and will - be a painful process but it is also one of healing , for if you can admit to yourself that the relationship was not perfect and was in many ways extremely frustrating , then the sense of loss and abandonment will no longer be as painful .
14 Regrettably , the NHS dental service was in many ways so successful that most of the practices of my acquaintance depended entirely on NHS fees with only one or two patients willing to pay for the entire cost of treatment .
15 Yet Leavis was in many respects not a man of his time ; though himself a dedicated university teacher , he was in spirit the last of the Victorian sages , who were men of letters and of affairs , not academics ( prescinding from Arnold 's and Ruskin 's marginal tenure of chairs at Oxford ) .
16 However amenable to overseas influence Boiotia may have been in the prehistoric period ( p. 83 ) , classical , fourth-century and hellenistic Boiotia was in many respects deeply conservative and introverted .
17 Thus Marx 's model of historical development was in many respects only a sketch which left many problems unresolved .
18 The year 1975 was in all respects better for the Hesketh team .
19 Because it was in those days simply the most difficult , challenging and interesting circuit around .
20 I wish I was in those bars tonight . ’
21 In 1811 most mule spinners could earn only half of their peak earnings ; even so this was in most cases more than the earnings of fully employed weavers .
22 The irony was that it was the British Labour Party which now responded more sympathetically towards Europe , since the social charter of the Community , drafted by its French socialist president , Jacques Delors , was in most respects highly congenial to the British left .
23 Important as it is to the understanding of the world today , it was in these years only occasionally decisive for Europe .
24 In the serrania ( the mountain districts ) there were large areas of poor pasture or small holdings and it was in these regions rather than on the great estates that Anarchism was later to find its most fanatical adherents .
25 This was in some ways just as dramatic as that of the 1980s , if only because of the very large warships — and their great number — being deployed in the area .
26 His own answer to it was in some ways remarkably similar to those he attacked , for it added up to this : historical study can not bring Jesus down to our own time ; rather , it reveals his strangeness to us , and he loses all colour and significance if we attempt to tear him out of his own historical and religious setting in late Judaism .
27 Her father 's eldest sister , the aunt who now had the villa near Ravello where Sophia hoped to spend a few days after the visit to Rome , was in some ways very much like an older version of Penelope .
28 The general election of 1945 was in some ways only a consequential recognition of the revolution which took place under , and inside , the Coalition Government at the height of World War II , and was announced to the outside world by a cloud of White Papers — on planning , social insurance , employment , a national health service — much as the election of a new Pope is first evinced by the smoke from the burning ballot papers .
29 It was a fascinating glimpse of a people who in the sixteenth century had never seen a wheel or a sea-going ship , had never faced an armoured knight on horseback or the fire power of crossbows and guns , but whose roads and lines of communication through the incredible terrain of the Andes , whose methods of agriculture by irrigation and whose whole political set-up , so close to what we know as Communism , was in some ways more advanced than that of their conquerors .
30 This break with the past was in some ways more apparent than real , for the first members of the college had all served in its predecessor .
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