Example sentences of "was a good [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 'He was a good friend to me , ’ Richard said .
2 Fernande Olivier , Picasso 's mistress , described him as stingy , but he was a good friend to Modigliani , encouraged him to paint and lent him colours , brushes and canvas .
3 He was a good friend to me in difficult times .
4 He was a good friend to me .
5 In the early days of Everyday Electronics it was often suggested that it was a good idea to double-up on the cheaper components when buying a set of components for a project .
6 Romany King was a good second to Party Politics last year and has been trained for the race .
7 He was a good person to be in the band in the early days but he might have held them back later on because he is not as good a drummer as Simon , and that 's putting it mildly .
8 He was a good person to be with , even if he did laugh at her .
9 tried to inaugurate a new concept of citizenship which would link men of different social classes , The concept was based upon the notion that there was a good common to members of all classes , a goal the existence of which could be established from German Idealist metaphysics and which could be made visible in actual measures of educational reform and social welfare .
10 The performance of dance and drama attended during the inspection of Matagalpa Prison was a good testimony to the efforts being made to draw out the creativity and self-expression of the prisoner .
11 A trip to Australia for the country 's bicentennial celebrations was a good start to the year .
12 It was a good start to our evening .
13 It was a good start to a day that had already seen the Liberal Democrats improve by two points in the latest opinion polls .
14 And it was a good start to this year 's championships .
15 It is pleasant to find that this believer in the perfectibility of mankind was a good father to them all .
16 I thought it was a good analogy to how Manson had affected the country , how he had really wedged himself into the American family to the extent that he 's now on the country 's most popular TV show .
17 There was a good living to be had for a shrewd man in an institution .
18 ‘ He was a good son to his mother and generous and loving to his … companions , ’ the word was chosen with obvious care and uttered with thinly-concealed disapproval , ‘ but he was very ambitious .
19 She smiled , it was a good feeling to be in charge of your own destiny .
20 The humorous implication was that obviously Scotland was a good place to be from .
21 This was because Oxford was a good place to be born during World War II : The Germans had an agreement that they would not bomb Oxford and Cambridge , in return for the British not bombing Heidelberg and Göttingen .
22 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
23 Clarendon Road was a good place to be .
24 He believed that his body was a good guide to his character and he punished it and indulged it by turns .
25 ‘ The wholesale pillorying of Pakistan after they had behaved unquestionably badly at Old Trafford was a good deal to self-righteous for my liking . ’
26 ‘ But , ’ he adds , ‘ strategically , if you stood back and asked yourself if domestic appliances was a good business to be in , the answer was no , it was n't .
27 Fred was a good husband to her and the difference in their ages did not matter to Carrie .
28 It was a good time to be happy . ’
29 I decided then and there that it was a good thing to be without wax .
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