Example sentences of "was a time when [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a time when meadow , grove and stream
2 There was a time when sport benefited from hidden subsidies .
3 THERE was a time when nepotism and fleecing the public purse were associated with Third World countries , while our government and civil service were held up as models of rectitude .
4 ‘ There was a time when dog-fighting was legal , ’ said Mr Shephard .
5 Most Mods were n't gay — although Peter Burton writes well of the cross-over between the two sub-cultures — but to any person unfamiliar with their ideas about pleasure and self , they certainly looked it : ‘ Mods were more interested in themselves and each other than in girls … there was a time when Mod boys used make-up and mascara ’ .
6 There was a time when rock journalists were easy to characterize or , at least , to caricature .
7 That was a time when civilization
8 There was a time when diet books insisted that exercise could not help in losing weight .
9 There was a time when Madness seemed like the most durable of British pop bands .
10 It was a time when Madness seemed the most immortal of pop bands .
11 There was a time when autumn was one of the busiest seasons in the garden .
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