Example sentences of "was give [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lucas said Michael worked for Bond Corporation for around five years and was trusted so greatly he was given responsibility for the security of international VIPs who visited Western Australia during Bond 's America 's Cup defence three years ago .
2 Two years later , Brooke was given responsibility for the Kent coast from Dover to Whitstable , with the task of preventing any communication between the French and their English sympathizers .
3 A new Ministry of Commerce , Industry and Co-operatives led by Richard Kaijuka ( hitherto Minister of Energy ) was given responsibility for the development of import substitution and the promotion of exports .
4 For six years or so the CNAA had moved with caution — indeed , only one of its officers , Francis Hanrott , had any previous experience involving contact with teacher education , and he was given responsibility for the various levels of negotiation .
5 It was Gould , not Lear , who was given credit for the concept of an illustrated ornithological work of this nature .
6 However , it is obviously as much a waste of funds to give money to privatisation of the coal industry as it was to give money for the poll tax .
7 In the end , the compromise was to give permission for the new blocks of apartments , but to require that the remains of the grottoes be restored as a feature in the new development .
8 His latest coup was to give permission for the coronation of the kabaka ( king ) of Buganda , the ancient kingdom that lies within Uganda , to go ahead this July .
9 Mr Zivkovic , a draughtsman who lived in Britain for 24 years after the war but now lives in Tasmania , Australia , was giving evidence for the defence in Lord Aldington 's libel action over allegations by Mr Nikolai Tolstoy and Mr Nigel Watts that he is a war criminal responsible for the forced repatriation of 70,000 Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
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