Example sentences of "was one [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as Poles began to claim Danzig on grounds other than those of practicality , then the claim was one of nationalist reaction .
2 Once her doubts had been satisfied and the door unchained and unbolted , her attitude was one of reproachful expectancy .
3 THE SENDER of the letter threatening Luca Cumani with violence unless he saddles the heavily backed Shellac in Saturday 's Cambridgeshire will have been appeased , temporarily at least , by the fact that the colt was one of 42 horses declared yesterday at the five-day stage for the race , writes John Cobb .
4 Irwin 's response to this spectacular appeal to the viceregal conscience was one of glacial disdain .
5 The period prior to the 1979 election was one of acute crisis-Callaghan 's ‘ winter of discontent ’ , economic chaos , and a general feeling of malaise .
6 Ridley , 61 , had been Trade and Industry Secretary since 1989 and was one of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's closest allies .
7 Though , to start with , her initial feeling was one of total shock as she pulled back her door and saw Naylor Massingham standing there .
8 The response was one of total bemusement , with the director concerned unable to conceive of any circumstances in which linguistic talent might have any bearing on sales prospects or the acquiring of contracts .
9 ’ The reception was one of haughty brimstone ; the door was closed on him .
10 The moment came , and in walked Robin and Henrietta Tavistock ; his expression was one of sheer amazement , and when he saw his father the Duke of Bedford , whom he thought was at his chalet in Méribel , I saw tears of emotion flood his eyes for a moment .
11 It was one of unremitting hostility .
12 This suggested that the fundamental problem of many working class families was one of scarce resources .
13 The delays between connecting trains often being considerable , it is needless to remark that the position was one of intolerable discomfort , though it was accepted by both passengers and railway staff as part of the day 's work .
14 I emphasise the reference to ‘ accord and satisfaction ’ in the judgment of Parke J. , and it is also referred to in that of Taunton J. This case , however , was one of joint contractors .
15 His attitude was one of religious pragmatism .
16 ‘ Till then he was one of many nightclub characters in New York .
17 Chairman of Cleveland County Council Ted Wood was one of many visitors .
18 Sailor Malan was one of many South Africans who served with great distinction in either the RFC or the RAF — including such names as Andrew Proctor VC , ‘ Boetie ’ Venter and S M Kinkead from World War I and ‘ Pat ’ Pattle , John Nettleton VC and Edwin Swaley VC from World War II .
19 Boosbeck , he says , was one of many attempts by middle-class people to help the very poor .
20 She knew that was one of many memories which would stay with her for the rest of her life .
21 He was one of many ministers on the ‘ death rota ’ , as he called it .
22 For Doug Green classroom management was one of many issues :
23 Tricia Liggett got interested in the body 's structure initially because she was one of many sufferers from back pain .
24 It was one of many Method exercises taught to help the actor to reach inside of himself , unleashing personal emotions in an effort to heighten realism .
25 During the first two decades of its existence it was one of many organisations which argued insistently for the creation of National Parks .
26 The Earlys trip was one of many jobs Land Travel had contracted out to Macleans , the Witney coach firm .
27 The Earlys trip was one of many jobs Land Travel had contracted out to Macleans , the Witney coach firm .
28 Malcolm Muggeridge was one of many observers of the political scene to note the ‘ unmistakable tang ’ of anti-Semitism in the air .
29 Richard Grove of Cambridge University was one of many conservationists who attacked the Commission 's policies of converting deciduous , often ancient , woods to conifers .
30 He was one of many sailors who , when they disappeared to sea for a year or more , would receive letters from Minton , most of which were torn up or thrown away .
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