Example sentences of "was go on [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We were going to travel together as far as Paris , I was to go on to Calais .
2 In a remarkable record , he was to go on to win two further bars , in France that year and in Germany in 1945 .
3 She 'd come every two weeks to see me , she used to tell me everything that was going on with Natasha , and we built a very strong relationship up .
4 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
5 And the piss was going on for ages .
6 they , they all sitting on , a few of us sitting on the seat , the girl that was all shaky she was going for an interview at a Birmingham University another lady was going on to Northfield
7 ‘ I know , I used to think he skived off and all the time he was going on to Conway House to work .
8 It was you , after all , who was going on at breakfast about the perils of lapses in concentration . ’
9 It was a nagging frustration for Mary to go up to the Ryans and not be able to talk about what was going on at Riverstown .
10 Will he say that he knew what was going on at Luigi 's ?
11 He could have said , ’ Yes , I knew what was going on at Luigi 's restaurant . ’
12 They often came into the dining rooms together and one day they were trying not to listen as Bessie was going on at length about her friend Elsie Dobson .
13 The boy was going on at length with apparent fluency .
14 He 'd been hearing things , Denis had said , and he wanted to know what was going on at Rafferty 's .
15 Knowing Hurley , Coleman was pretty sure that the DIA now had a better grasp of what was going on at DEA Nicosia than the DEA itself .
16 Tell me , did the great galactic public ever find out what was going on on Checkley 's World ? ’
17 Bella appeared to be unperturbed : ‘ I wondered why she was going on about Mr Bishop and Madge just now .
18 Some of the wealthier natives brought picnic hampers in the European manner , and their servants would unroll splendid carpets on the green sward ; while their banquets were spread out on the carpets they could watch what was going on through telescopes and opera-glasses which they had had the foresight to bring with them though what they saw , as they swept the ramparts of the Residency and banqueting hall can hardly have looked very impressive to them : just a few ragged , boil-covered skeletons crouching behind mud walls .
19 Manufacturers , distributors and retailers have all felt the pinch during the recession and some hard bargaining was going on over coffee and orange juice .
20 Finally she solved the problem by agreeing to let Ted do it provided none of us told Mum and as long as Ted gave Jean a full report at the end of each day on what precisely was going on between Dad and Eva .
21 The second reason , strategically more important , was that the Pentagon wanted a closer look at what was going on between Aoun and Saddam Hussein .
22 Here she had first met Ion Manescu who had taken her under his wing — she was an invaluable conduit as to what was going on in Moscow and sympathetic to the Romanian régime .
23 Occasionally , when there had to be a drastic reassessment of public expenditure , it became evident from the leaks and rumours of resignations that something important was going on in Whitehall during the summer months , but neither backbenchers nor the House in general were able to find out what was happening or to discuss the changes being made in expenditure plans .
24 ‘ As a matter of fact , ’ says Howard suddenly , ‘ when you think about it , I ca n't really have known what was going on in Bill Brice 's mind — or in Professor Cornish 's .
25 They just wanted to know what was going on in East Germany there and then .
26 Leopold continued to keep Mozart and his mother apprised of all that was going on in Salzburg , including accounts of performances of Mozart 's compositions .
27 They knew only too well what was going on in Baldersdale but Sam and his brood were too wily to be caught and the law could expect no help from other residents .
28 As Lewis watched him walk sway up to Hamilton Road , he wondered , as he 'd so often wondered , what exactly Morse was thinking ; wondered about what was going on in Morse 's mind at that very moment ; the reading of the clues , those clues to which no one else could see the answers ; those glimpses of motive that no one else could ever have suspected ; those answers to the sort of questions that no one else had even begun to ask …
29 ‘ How else would I know what was going on in Cologne ? ’ said the Prior blandly .
30 The most absorbing topic to me was what was going on in Lebanon and , increasingly , Iran .
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