Example sentences of "was think [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The intelligence , by which alone such subjects were supposed to be understood , was thought to be wholly distinct from other , lower , faculties .
2 Almost 40 per cent of such problems were attributed in whole or part to the pupils ' characteristics whilst in about 65 per cent of cases the home was thought to be wholly or partly to blame .
3 Such questions have become much harder to answer as a consequence of the Government 's astonishing success in closing the north-south divide , which was thought to be wholly irremediable when they came to office .
4 For a start , the figures exclude transactions that occurred on the last two business days of the month — the very time when pressure on the pound was thought to be most intense .
5 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
6 The decision , taken in advance of the fourth party congress scheduled for the first half of 1991 , was thought to be primarily a cost-cutting exercise in response to the deepening economic crisis , as the country 's preferential trading terms with the Soviet Union and other COMECON countries were about to expire ; commentators also viewed the changes as concentrating power within the party in fewer hands .
7 Over 17 hands high , he had a girth which measured seventy-nine inches ( Secretariat 's girth was thought to be remarkably large at seventy-six inches ) and housed a heart which after his death tipped the scales at fourteen and a half pounds : the average for a Thoroughbred is around ten pounds .
8 In the long run , this was thought to be about 3 per cent per year .
9 But it was thought to be too disruptive right now , given the soggy state of the economy .
10 One , in Heaton Norris , was not seriously considered , as that area was thought to be too near to Manchester Grammar School .
11 But 90 was thought to be too many to be easily controlled from the centre , which meant retaining the existing tier of regional administration as an executive arm of government , while the variation in population size was tackled by creating a third tier of management in large areas : the district .
12 Whatever the reason for the sharing of the horse , the two men kept their transaction-secret and for many months Kilpatrick was thought to be still the sole owner .
13 Instead , after varying lengths of time , they were discharged as being ‘ in remission ’ , i.e. their schizophrenia was thought to be still present , but not actually revealing itself in their behaviour .
14 Thus Stonehenge was presumed to postdate the tholoi of Mycenae , and the time taken for agriculture to spread to Britain was thought to be so great that the inception of the Neolithic was placed at about 2500 BC .
15 As I listened to him fumbling for words of explanation , I wished he could have said boldly that what was thought to be so heinous today was not thought to be so then , but that looking back now , he deeply regretted what had happened .
16 In addition , some were convinced that family allowances would result in lower wages , although the danger of that happening was thought to be considerably less if they were financed by the state and not by employers ' contributions .
17 At the time the first radiocarbon dates were calculated , the half-life was thought to be around 5,568 years , and so early dates have had to be corrected .
18 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
19 The mathematical probability of any family producing a chess Grandmaster was thought to be relatively low ; the mathematical probability of producing three in a row goes off the chart .
20 A short , wiry Lebanese in his fifties , Talar lived aboard a partially finished 81-foot yacht , King Edmondo , with a tall , blonde Danish woman who towered over him and was known locally as ‘ Foofoo ’ , as she was thought to be somewhat strange .
21 The operation by fund managers was thought to be purely tactical , to avoid the risk of a sharp fall in the currency followed by an equally sharp rise should the next government decide to apply the remedy of higher interest rates .
22 Although PRO wo n't confirm that it paid some $600,000 for the suite ( UX No 406 ) , the decision to plump for 88open 's testing technology was thought to be purely financial : ‘ we could n't afford to spend that kind of money developing our own alternative , so we bought in . ’
23 So much so , he was thought to be backward .
24 However , matters between him and his congregation gradually deteriorated as he was thought to be very ‘ High Church ’ , and a bitter dispute broke out between 1845 and 1848 between ‘ High ’ and ‘ Low ’ Church supporters .
25 West of our site was the Caducius which was thought to be fairly easy to locate as it was marked on the Admiralty Chart .
26 When found , her behaviour was such that she was thought to be mentally deficient :
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