Example sentences of "was for [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 It played a very , very important part in David 's career , because it was for that film that he wrote ‘ Space Oddity'/ Most of the stuff on the film came from the Deram label but I thought we ought to have a very special piece of material — some new material — and something that would show how very fine and inventive a writer David was .
2 Maybe it was for that reason that the party leader singled Mr Prescott 's past year performance out for praise in an interview in The Sunday Correspondent yesterday , calling him , chummily , ‘ Johnny ’ .
3 It was for that reason that France was hostile to both proposals : de Gaulle had already expressed his belief that the Commission already had too much power .
4 Junior naval officers were nominally ratings , for a midshipman was a warrant officer in contrast to the army equivalents , the ensign of foot or cornet of cavalry , who enjoyed commissioned rank , but it was for that reason that the Admiralty did not monopolise first appointments in the fleet , only interesting themselves in appointments at the rank of lieutenant or above .
5 It was for that reason that I took the stand I did , and put forward the views that I did .
6 It was for that reason that I never showed him my poem ‘ To Thomas Hardy in 1940 ’ .
7 Doubtless it was for such reasons that the crown made for Queen Alexandra to display the Koh-i-Noor and the third and fourth Stars of Africa had a platinum rather than a gold frame .
8 It was for such reason that most of Petipa 's famous pas de deux take place centre stage , whilst those of Ashton and MacMillan cover the whole area as befits their more flowing lyrical styles ,
9 This is very clever of Brutus , saying that he loved Caesar more than anybody , and it was for this love that he killed him , to prevent him from the trouble brewing ahead for him .
10 What he wanted to do was to publicize erm the whole issue , and it was for this purpose that he joined in these campaigns .
11 It was for this reason that he felt compelled to offer the Liberals the alternative vote , an electoral system which would have the effect of entrenching the third party as part of the political system .
12 It was for this reason that Swangrove came about .
13 It was for this reason that I had Zowie because I could see how he was with children .
14 It was for this reason that he concluded that different cells receive different genes .
15 I am unaware of any biography in print , and it was for this reason that I wrote this brief account of the life of a truly great man of God .
16 It was for this reason that many of them carefully locked their front doors when they left their homes .
17 It was for this reason that the BBC 's dispersal of a large part of its library holdings was so poignant .
18 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
19 It was for this reason that she called herself ‘ stupid ’ .
20 My brother Frankie and sister Liza were a little older than I was , so perhaps it was for this reason that I seemed to end up doing most of the chores .
21 Perhaps it was for this reason that I hated them as much as I resented menstruation itself .
22 It was for this reason that Rendcomb aerodrome , nestled in the Cotswolds , came into being in 1916 .
23 It was for this reason that the halls were never radical or seditious and that the songs , like everything else that was on offer , were , as Colin MacInnes suggested , ‘ too inhibited emotionally , too limited intellectually , too commercial in their intentions ’ .
24 It was for this reason that Baldwin and McConville ( 1979 ) chose to study real juries rather than follow the example of previous researchers in setting up ‘ mock trials ’ .
25 It was for this reason that the Council 's final documents remained so ambivalent .
26 Councillors had an understandable reluctance to commit themselves to a political course which would deprive them of access to patronage , and it was for this reason that it was necessary for politicians to provide demonstrations of power .
27 For Sartre ‘ human history ’ was identified with the history of the West , and it was for this reason that Lévi-Strauss contested Sartre 's claim to have established the human foundation of ‘ a structural , historical anthropology ’ for Marxism .
28 The official line was that ‘ true character of French concessions to Indo-Chinese nationalism and ultimate intentions are clear to Department ’ and it was for this reason that no further substantive concessions involving parliamentary action in France were called for at that time .
29 If anything should happen to him , there could well be a collapse in Indo-China and it was for this reason that Collins recommended that the US should continue to extend military and economic aid ‘ in order to check the spread of communism in South-East Asia ’ — but only as long as de Lattre was in Indo-China .
30 It was for this reason that in Du Contrat Social he mocked the English by contending that the English people " is free only during the election of Members of Parliament ; as soon as the Members are elected , the people is enslaved ; it is nothing . "
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