Example sentences of "was a place [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The plaza was a place for nocturnal meetings , although the majority were of a far simpler , far older kind than two men planning international espionage .
2 A former royal palace , burnt down in the eighteenth century , it was a place with historic connections but was also impressive : it was the nearest Bucharest had to a hill .
3 It was a place of great beauty and utter seclusion , lying in a sheltered combe on the eastern flanks of the Quantocks .
4 This was a place of great beauty and peace .
5 When Kingston was a mere spot on the map , Swine was a place of great importance , with a flourishing pig market .
6 The Tyre from which I had travelled was a place of unpaved roads and overflowing sewage , of Palestinian camps and fedayeen guerrillas , of guns and sunken ships and the sharp clap of explosions .
7 It was a place of extreme temperatures : one moment you were shivering in an icy draught from some gap in the outside wall , the next you felt the frightening heat of a furnace 's breath on your face .
8 The Palace Hotel in Minya was a place of faded but fantastic decoration .
9 It was a place of idyllic beauty , and some said it was where the Argonauts had landed .
10 As the site of the principal tomb of Osiris , Abydos was a place of particular sanctity for the ancient Egyptians .
11 At the early age of thirty-eight me mother sent me West Get up , said she , and get a job says I I 'll do me best I pulled on my Wellingtons to march to march to Kiljimock But I took a wrong turn at Charlestown and ended up in Knock Once this quiet crossroads was a place of quiet prayer Where Catholics got indulgent once or twice a year You could buy a pair of rosary beads or get your candles blessed If you had a guilty conscience , you could get it off your chest …
12 A hundred years before , richest of all cities , concourse of merchants and pilgrims , haunt of courtesans , sink of unnatural vice , pride and luxury , Famagusta housed a hundred thousand citizens within its two miles of walls , and was a place of fine squares and great houses , of mills and warehouses , shops and monasteries , stables and shambles and forges , barracks and ovens , merchants ' villas and loggias .
13 Now he dug his heels in : America was a place of infinite possibilities where an artist with no money and no background could gain recognition in a big way .
14 Clearly he was pleased by my request , for he was a priest , a man for whom the well was a place of Christian worship .
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