Example sentences of "was say [prep] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 One of these was said to be a £5m loan to Raper 's master company , the Hong Kong and Netherlands based Gasco Group .
2 Those of Buchan preferred black , or black with a touch of white on the udder , which was said to be a sign of a good milker .
3 There were two old linebacked bulls and seven bull calves at the time to help fix the colour , which was not unlike that of the Longhorn , an English breed which had been widespread in eighteenth-century Ireland ( there was said to be a ‘ hornless Longhorn ’ in Cumberland in the nineteenth century ) .
4 Children being what they are , she was said to be a witch .
5 Some appear as GHOSTS , while others turn into cannibalistic monsters like the witch BLACK ANNIS who was said to be a descendant of the Celtic winter goddess , Anu or Danu .
6 A 1986 U.S. study found an increased risk to expectant mothers , but this was said to be a small sample , which was followed by two further studies .
7 Maastricht was said to be a Dutch cheese or the European Court .
8 Ironically , Lorentz 's disagreement with then-Prime Minister Edith Cresson over having NEC as a shareholder was said to be a prime reason for his departure .
9 It was said to be a soup-to-nuts A-to-Z kind of thing and the software vendors rejected it out of hand as offering them nothing .
10 He was tall , good-looking and fast-talking , and was said to be a first-class shit .
11 The duchy was said to be a ‘ free land where the king of England holds complete jurisdiction ’ .
12 Two medical practitioners , neither of whom previously knew the patient , recommended her detention in hospital because she was said to be a paranoid schizophrenic with signs of aggressive , overactive and irrational behaviour .
13 The most important factor was said to be a high use of deputising services associated with higher rates of visiting and less use of giving advice by telephone .
14 It is the Crown case the club was run as a business , yet for compensation purposes during a redevelopment scheme , was said to be a members club entitled to a higher rate of compensation .
15 Okudaira was still at large and was said to be a member of the Japanese Red Army underground group .
16 In February , a group of deputies , led by Marko Voljc , who was said to be a candidate for a post in the new government , had called for a no confidence vote against the government .
17 The absence of such a scheme was said to be a disincentive to those who might otherwise be encouraged to exercise their inventive talents to the full .
18 No breach of confidence was alleged but there was said to be a contract not to publish before the report .
19 It was said to be a sentence he 'll carry for the rest of his life .
20 His sister , Moira Coles , 34 , of Mapperley , Nottingham , admitted her part in the conspiracy but was said to be a small cog in the operation .
21 The plant was boiled in water and the resulting infusion was said to be an effectual diuretic .
22 The North York Moors National Parks campaign Bag It , in which eyecatching biodegradable bags were made available for rubbish , was said to be an imaginative solution to the litter problem .
23 Angus McInnes , 33 , from Stirling , who was said to be an alcoholic , pled guilty to committing lewd , indecent and libidinous acts towards the girl on numerous occasions between May 1988 and May 1992 .
24 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
25 Thousands of demonstrators turned out in the streets of Bratislava last night in what was said to be the biggest demonstration there in decades .
26 In Tripoli a bank raid was said to be the work of Tunisians .
27 Our pilot was said to be the best on the river , but every now and then there was a shudder as we touched a sandbank ; and there was so little water coming down from Aswan that we only squeezed through the lock at Nag Hammadi by all the passengers crowding into the bows of the Nefertari , while her crew hauled on ropes , chanting a shanty that might have been sung on the sunboats of the pharaohs .
28 It was said to be the site of the shrine of the goddess Mumba Devi or Maha Amba who gave her name to Bombay .
29 This hard , fast and unmelodic ‘ punk ’ music was said to be the new music of the skinheads .
30 One of the waterwheels that drove machinery here was said to be the biggest in England .
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