Example sentences of "was the [adj] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There are those who argue that it was the desperate attempts made by the Soviets in the last decade and a half to match the US , especially in Star Wars research and development , which brought about the economic collapse that dismantled the communist monolith .
2 And as for the Ark of Moses , this was the sacred chest fashioned at the foot of Mount Sinai to contain the sacred tablets of stone .
3 So too was the rhetorical advantage conferred on them by their command of microphones .
4 Was the inside door closed ?
5 There are examples of large castles at Niedzica , Czersk and Mir ( now in the U.S.S.R. ) , but one of the greatest was the vast complex built as the headquarters for the Teutonic Knights , on the river Norgat , an arm of the Vistula , 35 miles south of Gdansk .
6 Or was the colonial thrust resented and opposed ?
7 Cornelius Vermuyden was the Dutch expert employed by the earl and his ‘ co-adventurers ’ , as the promoters of the scheme called themselves .
8 That figure may slightly nonplus a reader nurtured in these Caledonian climes ; and his bewilderment will not be lessened when he discovers that £600 was the annual rent charged for the same accommodation in 1912 .
9 The only hard part about this operation was the regular watchkeeping split between our six-man crew throughout twenty four hours , but the time passed pleasantly enough at first .
10 All that remained of the laughter of that morning was the cardboard box filled with dead peonies and shoved against the wall in the corner by the sink .
11 With one notable exception , a factor common to all these very different approaches to policy formulation was the negligible role allowed to health and social services personnel .
12 The game was enjoyed by all who took part as was the post-match hospitality supplied by the Borders team .
13 The immediate spur to both these events was the marital dilemma faced by the English king , Henry VIII .
14 This was known as Chrism Fee , the Holy Chrism was the consecrated oil used in the rite of baptism and distributed at Easter to churches in the Bishopric of Rochester .
15 Johnston v Chestergate ( cited at 13.7.2 ) was the principal authority relied on in Burgess v Purchase & Sons ( Farms ) Ltd [ 1983 ] Ch 216 , where auditors explained how their valuation of the shares in question had been arrived at .
16 At one time though , the Travellers Letter of Credit was the principal instrument used by the wealthy doing the Grand Tour of Europe .
17 Of far more significance to the war itself , however , was the political price represented by acceptance of Communist leverage within Republican Spain , and all that this proved to carry with it : interference in the composition of cabinets and the formulation of strategy ; the reversal of social revolution ; the persecution of political enemies ; and the steadily declining popular morale .
18 More serious , probably , was the extensive deforestation carried out by neolithic farmers from around 8000 BC onwards : a deforestation which , for example , denuded Scotland in the centuries before the Romans came .
19 However , only at the end of the latter decade was the communist government replaced by a democratically elected government committed to comprehensive reform , involving liberalisation of prices , extensive privatisation , and related policies .
20 Equally depressing , in its implicit rejection of the notion that merit deserves reward , was the cynical appeal made to the lower castes and the Muslims by V. P. Singh 's Janata Dal Party .
21 Nor was the rural landscape omitted from such initiatives : the National Trust was founded in 1895 to secure the permanent preservation of places and buildings of " beauty " and of " historic " interest ; that is , to sustain the national heritage in its physical and geographical aspects .
22 The strongest ideological current in the Cortes was the historic constitutionalism associated with the works of Martínez Mariana .
23 This was the stark warning given by Professor David Harvey of Newcastle University , when he presented the first in a series of Northern Foods ' milk industry papers .
24 This was the heart-stopping moment shared by millions of TV viewers yesterday when the Italian ace cheated death in a spectacular 100mph crash .
25 Was the poor relief paid to able-bodied workers over-generous to the extent that it not only created a dependency culture by reducing the incentive to work , but put a premium on early marriage and on childbirth ?
26 The underlying cause for this decision was the awful damage caused by the savage winter of 1709 .
27 When Prime Minister John Major stood up in Parliament yesterday , he was the mere messenger sent at the end of a marital power struggle to announce a victory that belonged to Diana .
28 Only high spot from what should have been a red letter day was the terrific £300 raised for the local Hartlepool hospice .
29 Hers was the only bicycle attached to these particularly well-painted railings , and her soul cringed .
30 Religion was the only subject treated by the Khmer artists of the Angkor period : temples were lavishly embellished with sculptures of gods and goddesses , and bridges represented the rainbows that united people and their gods .
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