Example sentences of "was [adj -er] [conj] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The general temperature of the debate was lower than that on 7 April .
2 Accordingly , the policy of dismissing a woman employee solely because she had attained the qualifying age for a state pension which was lower than that for a man constituted discrimination contrary to the Council Directive .
3 Their response was lower than that of control animals .
4 When the National Insurance Act was introduced in 1911 it also provided sickness benefits of 10s. per week for men , 7s. 6d. for women ( because their loss of earnings during sickness was lower than that of men ) for the first thirteen weeks of sickness , although nothing was paid for the first three days , the aim being to help long-rather than trivial short-term sickness ; 5s. per week was paid to men and women for the following thirteen weeks .
5 Furthermore , the binding activity exhibited by the AR revertant was lower than that of the RJ2.2.5 and higher than that of Raji .
6 Environmental groups condemned the announcement as inadequate , pointing out that the UK target was lower than that of all other West European countries and fell short of the 60 per cent reduction in CO2 emissions which scientists regarded as necessary to stabilize greenhouse gases at current levels .
7 The per capita expenditure in homeland schools in 1987/88 was lower than that in DET schools — with Kwazulu , for example , spending only 412 rand per pupil .
8 The median rate of tissue based bone formation in the patients treated with tamoxifen was lower than that in the controls ( table ) .
9 ( The proportion of those with a formal education ascribing influence to the government was lower than that in the United States and in Britain , albeit still a majority among the university-educated ) .
10 The direct journey between the two towns he visited was further than that from London to Moscow .
11 His palette was lighter than that of Sickert .
12 Because he had been brought up in England ( where his father was a long-serving Russian ambassador ) , his outlook was broader than that of the majority of Russian nobles .
13 In a similar way , in the second century BC , some cities of Asia Minor made coins ( e.g. , fig. 6 ) of a weight standard which was heavier than that in force in the kingdom of Asia ; it is no surprise that these coins all turn up in hoards outside Asia , mostly in northern Syria , where they were exported either as a political subsidy for the pretender Alexander Balas or as trade objects in exchange for goods , perhaps slaves .
14 In 1985 , its Labour majority was bigger than that of the Tories and the people of Derbyshire re-elected it in 1989 : they are satisfied with Derbyshire county council 's policies , and when we have the general election they will kick out the Under-Secretary of State and the hon. Member for Amber Valley ( Mr. Oppenheim ) , the man with the Pampers on .
15 Henry had copies of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle identifiable with our C and E , and went to some trouble to re-order his material so that his account of early English history was clearer than that of his sources ; Florence helped his readers by prefacing his work with lists of bishops of English sees and genealogies of English royal dynasties .
16 Notice firstly that at 196bn the market value of pension fund assets at the end of 1987 was larger than that of any other class of financial intermediary .
17 In Dew v. Parsons , 2 B. & Ald. 562 a sheriff demanded a fee for the issue of a warrant which was larger than that to which he was in law entitled , and received payment from an attorney who was in ignorance of the law .
18 Pay was better than that for the average working man , more substantial than the ten-bob dole which was the experience of many of their compatriots .
19 There was even some attention to gender : the ILEA report pointed out that for every ethnic group in its area the mean performance of girls was better than that of boys ( ibid. , p. 19 ) .
20 In fact , the attendance was better than that in 1989 .
21 In fact , of all fines imposed in 1975 and 1976 , the medium fine … for large firms ( $1,000 ) was smaller than that for medium-size corporations …
22 Last year its total capital spending was smaller than that of the Paris metro .
23 An encouraging feature of these statistics however , is that the decline in the number of Fellows and Associates was smaller than that of ordinary members , showing that the qualifications are still highly prized .
24 His humiliation was smaller than that to which the country had been subjected on being invaded by Napoleon in 1812 , but so was the likelihood that Russia would be able to reverse her defeat in the near future .
25 There was also some relative improvement in the growth of construction and service industries in the more active policy period but this was smaller than that in manufacturing industries : it is consistent with a priori expectations about the multiplier effects of increased manufacturing activity , the increasing differential government expenditure in Developing Areas on health , education , and items of infrastructure and the adverse effect of continued decline in the declining industries sector .
26 The survival of patients diagnosed in the 1980s was poorer than that of those diagnosed during the 1970s , although it remains comparable with that of the general population .
27 They found that recognition of semantically related words ( such as ’ knife ’ and ’ fork ’ , or ’ doctor ’ and ’ nurse ’ ) was faster than that of unrelated words .
28 Fifty-eight per cent of the alleged cattle thieves were identified as cultivators ; this proportion was higher than that for any other crime .
29 Part of the reason for victory was that the value of the Guinness offer was higher than that of Argyll , aided by the rise of the Guinness share price before the offer closed .
30 As expected , the average ratio in the Japanese projects ( 1.63 ) was higher than that of their US ( 1.53 ) and European ( 1.37 ) counterparts .
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