Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No wonder he qualified his optimism about Henley by speaking of a 300-strong membership because the Huntercombe club was struggling terribly and in fact went into liquidation in 1908 .
2 Aunt Tossie , now in the full regalia of her widow 's weeds , was eating heartily but in a subdued way .
3 And I was walking past and for some silly reason I felt like putting my fist through a couple of windows .
4 For there , dining with a beautiful blonde , was none other than Naylor himself — and — he was looking nowhere but at Leith !
5 you said you was going either or to both
6 The committee 's general ambivalence probably reflected its membership though it did admit that recent investigations suggested that to some extent investment was going abroad because of the unfavourable economic environment at home .
7 Cicely Harris had her second hip operation in October and was delighted , at Christmas-time to be able to throw away her stick ; by February she was dancing again and in April was back on the bowling green ; she participated in the May competitions at her club and managed to win a cup — which you see her holding here .
8 And so erm , it was n't as though these children ran across an open zebra crossing and she could see the children travelling er , walking or running all the way across the er er er er the pedestrian crossing the two children one was estimated by her to be about six years old , and the one who was actually knocked down was estimated by her to be about er , nine years old and she was n't travelling at any significant speed at all , she was travelling slowly because of the amount of traffic and she says that er the first she saw them was erm , appearing from the behind a car and dashing across the front of her car , and in fact , it was only the the the one who ran first the the older of the two children that she actually hit , she hit hit her with the near side front of er of her vehicle .
9 It did n't occur to him until he was travelling home that in learning the truth he had also acquired the means of getting his revenge .
10 By the early 1970s , growth was continuing strongly and at that time high growth rates were being estimated as likely to last out the decade .
11 The predicament turned out to be the cooker , at which his wife was staring blankly and with a certain nervousness .
12 Well you know where Penny 's old desk were , where she sat looking up towards the , and Jenny sat there and Joan sat there , this Janet was sitting there and on that Friday morning when the phone had rung , well I got up and I went to go upstairs to take something or a fax coming for me or something , and as I went past Lynnette hit me on my shoulder and she said it 's me Pat , Pat she said it 's me , oh Pat I said what 's , what 's going on ?
13 By tomorrow , which was Wednesday , I was breathing shallowly but without mechanical help , sitting propped up sideways and drinking soup ; talking , attached to drainage tubes and feeling sore .
14 The knowledge of structure in masonry was extending quickly and with this advance in technique came the means to erect buildings which were mere shells of stone ribs and pillars .
15 It was his first double-century in any form of cricket , and he told a congratulatory gathering of Pressmen later that he was playing only because of the magical treatment on his injured knee administered by 76-year-old Dr Mohammad Aslam .
16 She could tell at once that he knew who her caller had been and , from his expression , that his intelligence was working overtime as to why the head of the Massingham empire should ring her personally .
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