Example sentences of "was [num] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Herrick 's was forty li east of Liu Chang 's , a tiny , crowded place at the very bottom of the City , below the Net .
2 And that was forty eight pence for one grapefruit because it was pink .
3 Oh gosh , I wish there was forty eight hours in every day , and there were ten days in every week , and it 's still no good , with forty eight hours , they 'd still find enough to do , they 'd still be racing around all the time .
4 And then in addition to that if you were a poor peasant who had to hire land from somebody else , you would of course pay rent and in the nineteen thirties it 's been estimated that the average rent paid by a poor peasant farming somebody else 's land was forty five percent of the harvest .
5 Because w in an analysis of that , this division , does getting on fo I think it was forty seven percent of
6 A roadside breath test showed he was 2 1/2 times over the legal alcohol limit .
7 and like , we were just flicking through Ceefax on the telly and it was like one of these luxury six berth ones and it was ninety nine quid for a week and , and
8 and I said to her one night , and we bought those bags of sweets , it was ninety nine pee for about forty
9 The following evening ( that was three expensive dinners in a row , which made a contrast to Georg 's grudging once a month treat at the cinema ) she had insisted that this time they talk about him .
10 For one thing , Longrock was three hundred miles from London — a long way for a bolt-hole .
11 Inside there was three hundred dollars in bills , two dollars in small change sealed into a plastic bag labelled ‘ small money ’ , and a thick bundle of political literature .
12 I went upstairs to see the bloke in my bed and I thought this is lucky it was three bloody dogs in your garden when I went out the other night .
13 see there was three different colours of wood .
14 Payment of salaries and pensions was 221,600 million roubles in arrears , and half the population was said to be on or below the monthly minimum consumption level ( set in June at 2,150 roubles ) , as prices for goods and service rose faster than wages and food production fell by 23 per cent .
15 Well it was seventy six pounds before VAT .
16 Peak mileage , in 1916 , was 25 000 kilometres in the US — a system larger than British Rail 's today .
17 Erm and the limit was five thousand pounds for one year but I think they only pay half the fees or something of whatever course it is .
18 At the age of eleven his health slowly began to improve ; by the time he was seventeen financial hardship within the family forced Frederick to leave the outdoor life that he had grown to love so much .
19 He was driving well , perhaps too well , as if there was one perfect speed for every individual metre of road and he had to slow down or speed up to reach it .
20 If there was one fixed rule in her life , it was to make sure that she had a regular eight hours ' sleep every night .
21 There was one memorable moment during Needham 's canvassing in Chippenham last week .
22 There was one air-traffic controller on duty .
23 Woodie , observing their gallant start , longed to lend them his Chart 3 and to impress upon them that there was one competent owner at least at this end of the Reach .
24 BRM was in decline , the best Niki could do was one fifth place in Zolder .
25 There was one pregnant girl in there , we knew she was losing her baby .
26 There was one early proposal about archaeology which became a series called The Blood of the British , where they had come in with the idea of the series .
27 There was one major shock in that he did not increase the ‘ pensions cap ’ — the maximum level of earnings for which pension provision may be made with tax relief .
28 Difficulties in obtaining information legally was one major problem for the group .
29 Klein 's suggestion was one major source of inspiration for the research that culminated in three papers in PNAS all reporting that chromosome 8 does indeed contain a proto-oncogene — a gene known as myc , after the myelocytomatosis virus in which it was discovered .
30 But there was one major snag to Branson 's plan .
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