Example sentences of "was [vb pp] from [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Named after the lion , Singapore was plucked from obscurity by the British , who were keen to develop the city-state as a trading port .
2 After the brief administration of Sosuke Uno , Kaifu was plucked from obscurity in order to act as caretaker Prime Minister until such time as the Recruit scandal had receded .
3 In the face of the administration 's intense opposition , it cut $900 million from the amount requested by Bush , allocating $3,500 million for SDI , and also insisting that the emphasis of the programme was altered from research into space-based interceptors ( the " brilliant pebbles " concept ) to ground-based rockets and lasers .
4 Allott , also 35 , was recalled from holiday in Wales to discover his fate , but it could hardly have been a surprise as he has not regularly figured in Lancashire 's games this season .
5 The founding of the White Lions dates back to the time of the bitter civil war with the Dark Elves when Caledor the First was recalled from hunting in Chrace to become the new Phoenix King .
6 Opren was withdrawn from sale by the company , Dista Products , last August following the deaths of more than 50 old people who had taken the drug .
7 The Chief Constable of Brighton was dismissed from office by the Brighton Watch Committee without an adequate hearing .
8 Mr Brooke said Sinn Fein , the political wing of the IRA , was debarred from participation by its support for violence .
9 However , he was prevented from standing on Oct. 19 , when the Constitutional Court upheld the Supreme Court 's Oct. 12 ruling that anyone who had been the author or beneficiary of a military coup was debarred from participation in elections under Article 186 of the 1986 Constitution .
10 You may have heard the horrific tale of the small boy who was painted from head to toe with a metallic-based substance for a carnival and who consequently died of respiratory failure .
11 She was painted from head to foot in red .
12 Whereupon he opened a huge cupboard which was filled from top to bottom with homemade jams , marmalades , chutneys , and pickles — some of which were five years old !
13 The Davidson Room was stacked from ceiling with Things Past and Present .
14 The new Health Secretary is married to fellow MP Peter Bottomley , who was sacked from office by Mrs Thatcher .
15 Whether ground was distinguished from sky in any other way than by being outlined against it the evidence so far cited does not tell us , but probably some trees and flowers were shown on it , and it may have had something in the nature of shading .
16 The inside was hidden from view by shutters and curtains .
17 Abel managed to make £730 , which helped to develop a sports shop beside the Oval , though this later failed and he was rescued from penury by a public appeal launched by the Daily Mail after the First World War .
18 In 1853 , through the good offices of W. E. Gladstone and other Peelites in the ministry of G. H. Gordon , fourth Earl of Aberdeen , he was rescued from penury by an appointment as commissioner of income tax , retiring through ill health some time before his death .
19 In one set of trials the type of match required was varied from trial to trial while in a second set of trials the same match was required for a fixed number of stimulus presentations .
20 YOUR correspondent ‘ Puzzled ’ ( Writeback , August 19 ) complains that an elderly lady of her acquaintance was discharged from hospital on Friday , August 13 , by ‘ taxi ’ , shared with three other disabled senior citizens .
21 The medium had also told him that he had a gift , but he did n't discover it until my older brother , just after the war , contracted polio and was discharged from hospital with a paralysed arm and leg .
22 Rose was unable to do much when she was discharged from hospital after four months , but she assumed she would recover all of a sudden , because her illness had come on so suddenly .
23 HAVING had the misfortune to break my ankle , I was discharged from hospital after a three-week stay .
24 She was discharged from hospital within a week and by that time , could carry out the majority of her normal activities .
25 The Witham was frozen from bank to bank from Lincoln to Boston .
26 We took the route through Cheapside because the Thames was frozen from bank to bank , past the mansions of the rich , the stalls full of fripperies , the mouldering Eleanor Cross and the great Conduit which was supposed to bring fresh water into the city .
27 In a struggle on the ground , my raincoat was torn from top to bottom and Bardely exclaimed ‘ He 's biting my little finger off . ’
28 The play was a two-hander , which meant that it was carried from beginning to end by the two stars .
29 Although the commitment to religion was stressed from time to time , often in response to the charge of militarism , the CLB always seemed to emphasize matters of social discipline and conformity .
30 Stewart 's bitter rival , the veteran Nicholas Kokataylo , the 33-year-old from Denton , in Manchester , was favourite for the gold medal , but a strong challenge was expected from newcomer to the weight , Ray Stevens , 26 , of the London Budokwai .
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