Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was joined there later by Debbie 's father and they strolled around the beautiful gardens together .
2 Grandmother 's portrait had been there before but was tucked away now in an alcove in the dining-room .
3 Originally the Galloway type was dominant in southwest Scotland ; the breed was formed more specifically towards the end of the sixteenth century and was already popular across the border in the seventeenth century for fattening in large numbers .
4 Gray noted , also , that Hel 's kingdom was banished so far from Asgard , the home of the gods , that it took ODIN nine days and nights to reach it .
5 The lack of a goalkeeper was exposed most harshly at Felton on Saturday .
6 They now seemed too cautious , too reluctant to admit to the most defective aspects of the post-medieval Catholic tradition , too little aware of the real situation in the Church of the southern hemisphere ( whose voice was heard remarkably little in the Council 's debates ) .
7 They longed for deliverance from Roman oppression , and were encouraged to think that they would not have much longer to wait as the prophetic voice was heard once more in the land after centuries of silence .
8 That need was highlighted again yesterday as one of the reasons for the Darty takeover .
9 She treated coldly all attempts to dab the scent on her own sleeve , rejected any suggestion that it could suitably be tried out on Owen and Mahmoud , and insisted that it be tested on a woman , an assistant , perhaps , or , preferably , the shopkeeper 's wife , a suggestion which , with its hint of superiority , would have had shopkeepers in the more Westernized parts of the city grovelling but was treated simply commercially in the bazaar .
10 Hyoscine-N-butylbromide ( 40 mg ) was given intravenously immediately before measurements to minimise peristalsis .
11 The dragon 's internal boiler was situated very near to its stomach , and since he was making tremendous efforts to cool down , there were also terrifying hissing and grinding sounds .
12 Spanish industry , by contrast , was situated almost entirely in areas which had remained loyal to the Republic .
13 Another text with allusions to Jewish ethical norms attributed to Phocylides was recognized long ago to be a Jewish forgery of the Hellenistic age .
14 Gallup in September 1980 asked voters to indicate which of various descriptions best suited the two candidates and Reagan was placed well ahead of Carter on several leadership questions : ‘ Has strong leadership qualities ’ , 65 per cent — 31 per cent ; ‘ Decisive sure of himself , 69 per cent — 37 per cent ; ‘ Has a well defined progam for moving the country ahead ’ , 53 per cent — 27 per cent ; ‘ You know where he stands on the issues ’ , 54 per cent — 33 per cent .
15 W. S. I was posted right away on nights .
16 I was at the time very concerned , because he was posted almost immediately to North Africa , and there was no chance of helping him forward in the early days of his Christian life .
17 The difference was compounded even further with the consideration that American pay-rates were two or three times ours .
18 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
19 Mr Moore had been displaying the Spitfire for nine years before the accident , and was regarded very highly as a master of the machine
20 More Tamils than Sinhalese lived in Nuvara Eliya district , which during the Kandyan Kingdom was inhabited almost entirely by Sinhalese .
21 Material from the Bolshevik party and later the Third International was received only sporadically by individuals , although what did arrive was circulated with significant impact .
22 The Soviet plan was received more favourably in Kuwait .
23 The fact that the game was received so enthusiastically in such places as Argentina , Uruguay and Brazil , countries which had had south European rather than British cultures thrust upon them , testifies to the wide popular appeal of football .
24 He wanted to say her name but he could not remember it ; he wanted to engage in the physical endearments and gentleness he so much prided himself on bestowing and was received so gratefully for so doing , but this lean , hard-bodied girl would have none of it .
25 ‘ Oh , no ! ’ he gave a deep rumble of laughter , the sound echoing menacingly in her ear , which was pressed so closely to his broad chest .
26 She tried to shake her head , but found she was pressed so hard against the stack behind her that movement was impossible .
27 ‘ It is true , ’ Emilia cried , and her breast shuddered again , and the handkerchief was pressed more tightly against her face .
28 This was developed very highly in the Hollywood movies of the Thirties where they attempted to put ‘ colour ’ into the pictures in terms of light and shade .
29 Progress was greater , for example , with developing management systems than with defining objectives , decentralization was developed more readily in field offices than in headquarters and policy divisions , and performance measurement applied more easily to inputs than outputs , and to administrative rather than programme expenditure .
30 The deck of cards was stacked even further in their favour when HKRFU chairman Don Watson and his organising committee decided , in view of the waterlogged pitch , to replace scrummages with a tapped penalty going to the side getting the put-in .
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