Example sentences of "was [vb pp] to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Below the editorial level the real contact between the masses and the press was intended to be the worker-peasant correspondents ( Rabselkor ) .
2 The reunion is held every two years and although this year 's was intended to be the last , organiser John Gray of Plymouth , said : ‘ Every time I say I 'm not going to do it again , they twist my arm to plan another . ’
3 In fact his death made this unrealizable , although Engels 's book , The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , based as it is on Marx 's notes , was intended to be the one that Marx was unable to write .
4 I say unwittingly because originally the second nine was intended to be the first , but this was changed and thus gave the second nine its water-strewn flavour .
5 It was intended to be the first part of a lengthy tramway to Sutton and beyond .
6 The Robe was intended to be the boldest and grandest yet — as epic as de Mille but with a serious and intelligent slant on the story of Christ .
7 IBM Corp issued a statement last week confirming that it is ‘ expanding the role of AD/Cycle to support application development at the workgroup level ’ — moving to the local area network-based software engineering environment it is already offering for its AIX Unix users — but managed to avoid mentioning what was intended to be the core of AD/Cycle , Repository Manager/MVS at all .
8 The weight or level of materiality attached to the initial consultative draft was intended to be the minimum possible , contrary to the sentiments expressed in letter .
9 It was intended to be the National Theatre of the provinces , attracting top actors and directors .
10 One group was designated to be the subjects , the other experimenters .
11 Once the spirochaete which caused syphilis had been identified and Wassermann had invented the diagnostic reaction which perpetuates his name , the condition called general paralysis of the insane was recognized to be the result of a long-lasting infection .
12 This was claimed to be the work not of the IRA proper , but of the Irish National Liberation Army , an offshoot of it .
13 The hard-top — wife and mistress combined in one body — was claimed to be the most successful innovation the industry had made in years .
14 The Government have already scrapped legislation introduced by previous Conservative Governments , but it is extremely unusual , if not unique , for them to provide , in the Queen 's Speech , for the abolition of what was claimed to be the flagship of their opening programme .
15 In what was reported to be the first visit by an Irish Prime Minister to Northern Ireland for 25 years , Charles Haughey , the Taoiseach , visited Belfast on April 11 .
16 The UK visit was reported to be the first official visit by a Vietnamese Foreign Minister since the end of the Vietnam War , and the talks were reported to have been held in an atmosphere of frankness and goodwill , with both sides keen to improve economic and diplomatic links and to co-operate fully on the issue of the repatriation of " boat people " from Hong Kong .
17 Corrosive ingestion , especially of acids , is a very common causeof oesophageal injury and strictures in India ; and was reported to be the commonest aetiology in one study .
18 In terms of the ultimate political objective of integration , the Common Assembly was designed to be the repository of ultimate control .
19 It is a house which has given rise to much aesthetic conjecture , and for a long time it was deemed to be the first seed of the modern movement in England , for it did not appear to be built in any revival style , but in a fresh new one .
20 He had been recruited by Alfred Sherman specifically to provide a counterblast to the Treasury advisers , because Whitehall was deemed to be the source of the advice which had let the country down in the past .
21 The concept of primary problem was used by the ASW to identify , from the whole range of psychiatric and social problems noted in each case , which was considered to be the main or primary problem .
22 A survey of more than 300 marriage counsellors showed that ‘ confirmation ’ — treating the marriage partner 's words and self as worthwhile — was considered to be the most important factor in a healthy relationship .
23 The Alderney of the period was considered to be the best of all milch cows .
24 At the time of the competition , he was considered to be the foremost authority on Spanish paintings .
25 One house was the most magnificent on the island and its garden was considered to be the best of its kind in the whole of the nation .
26 The final phase in the procedure involved giving parents advice about prospective job opportunities for their children , and this was considered to be the most difficult part of the work as it meant balancing all the different factors in an attempt to situate the best applicant in the best position .
27 In some places , this was considered to be the province of full-time managers , regarded as a technical matter with minimal reporting to the Health Authority .
28 At the time , the CCCP was considered to be the third , fourth or fifth largest wine producing country in the world ; any reliable figures were buried in bureaucratic tangle .
29 That first walk was open to those living or having businesses within six miles of Bradford , but in 1906 the walk was opened to all amateurs in the country and was considered to be the unofficial championship of England .
30 The city of Nagpur in the State of Maharashtra , located at the geographical centre of India , was considered to be the capital of their empire formerly known as Naga Dwipa , one of the surviving relics of old India known as Bharata Varsha .
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