Example sentences of "was [adv] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Our screen was situated outside the office on a patch of grass , reached by the usual cinder path , and was right on the edge of the air field .
2 it was a it was full pass inside to two fullbacks er , for the Southampton player that was running on this fullback shaded it away you know , guiding him out of it , he 's running to the e sa Smeichel came out to the edge of the area but he was like right on the edge as the player was coming to him , so he just let it roll a little bit further , he stopped it with his foot , the guy came and tackled him off got it instead of just picking it up with his hand , I mean he was actually in the area but like he was right on the edge and he took a step back
3 With an Auriga fitted to the back of his Swift he was right on the pace at Brands Hatch , qualifying up the grid , only to have his hopes dashed when he was adjudged to have left the pits against a red light during practice .
4 I remember we cleaned it all up , and it was right on the boundary wall between property and .
5 But undoubtedly he was right on the mark when he wrote in his essay on Thomas Parnell some words which might aptly be applied to many writers at present being collected :
6 Baffling , this , because it was right on the copy .
7 I mean we hardly went into another shop and yet , you see , we have a young chappie like yourself who comes to the Guild once every year and shows us slides of old Walsall , Walsall Wood , Aldridge , the local area , and he said I 'm not very good Ruth at talking but he he 'd got the slides you know , and it , it used to end up with me doing the commentary on Walsall Wood , because you stand on the of Walsall Wood , which is there now , and your Co-op was right on the corner which is why I call it the corner store and you see people congregated there , people met there and when I 'd been accused of the , we 'd been at the college or at other conferences and why ca n't we get Guild members today , well that was the breeding ground your shop , you see .
8 Unlike so many beginners to Koi-keeping , Ken 's first pond was right on the button in terms of size , practicality and ease of maintenance .
9 And of course Lucille was right on the button .
10 Hall was apt to be described as ‘ a tough-as-nails reporter with a marshmallow centre ’ , though in her ‘ Dear Unity ’ role , the emphasis was rather on the concoction of sympathy than on the cutting edge of insight .
11 His early work about the alleys of Gamalliyya was fundamentally on the side of the revolution-the one that failed to dislodge the British in 1919 , and that finally threw out Farouk and brought Neguib and later Nasser to rule Egypt .
12 I was somewhere on the curve of prejudice ; aware of an anger I had not dealt with , simmering beneath the surface , showing itself in bad dreams and disgruntled waking .
13 ( According to some opposition-inspired reports he had fled the country and was in hiding , while according to others he was merely on a business trip . )
14 It was all on a scale much more appropriate for children than the high vaulting of his previous school and there was much more play equipment .
15 He really was a most exceptionally handsome man , but she knew from experience that it was all on the surface .
16 ‘ Yes , it was all on the radio . ’
17 She could n't ever show him ‘ plain , old-fashioned pleasantness ’ because , with him , she was constantly on a knife-edge , terrified that one false move would end in a catastrophic tumble .
18 According to gallery director Yuri Korelev , state construction finance was significantly reduced in 1989 and was constantly on the verge of being cut off altogether .
19 The fare was 10/ — ( 50p ) , and then there was lunch , often taken at one of the new mass-market eating-places , such as the Quality Inns , which had sprung up no doubt to satisfy the American G.I.s ' taste in food : ‘ Aunt Mary 's Home-made Apple Pie ’ was constantly on the menu .
20 ‘ He was constantly on the phone making appointments .
21 Lola went through an abortion , she moved out of home and was constantly on the run from the cops .
22 For months , she could not get around while her husband was constantly on the road , doing his sales rounds .
23 During those last months of the Shah 's regime , Jehan Sadat was constantly on the telephone to the Shah wife , Farah .
24 For Louisa Coutts Trotter , whose hypochondriacal father was constantly on the move seeking new cures , her grandmother 's Edinburgh house was a fixed point in their peregrinations ; while Willoughby de Broke eccentrically opens his autobiography with a series of chapters on the family 's houses , rather than on its people .
25 The King was constantly on the move .
26 Robbie could n't tell what he was thinking , but her mind was only on the goal ahead , some private spot where their lovemaking could be renewed , where she could give herself up to him and all the promised delights his body offered hers .
27 He looked like a tiger baulked of its prey , but the amusement was only on the surface ; underneath he was furious that she should dare to try to escape him .
28 Oh , he 'd had a lot of silly nonsense to put up with , but that was only on the surface , he knew that really , and now that the children were off their hands they could be together more and she 'd be less hasty .
29 She was only on the phone for a minute but that was all it took . ’
30 I was only on the waiting list anyway and it was n't very likely that four people would drop out .
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