Example sentences of "was [adv] that [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The nineteenth century headteacher who knew he was right that God loved everyone , and would therefore thrash any boy who did not acknowledge that , had in fact paid almost no attention whatever to the content of his belief .
2 It was not that her therapist was possessed of unusual wisdom or insight and that Scarlet had learned from her : it was just that Scarlet had discerned her way of thought and her approach to the problems which beset the insecure and so found her entirely predictable .
3 It was just that people saying things like that reminded me of one of my all-time favourite cartoons where Dr Watson is saying to Sherlock Holmes : ‘ But if you saw the conditions these Moriartys had to live in , you would n't be so quick to judge . ’
4 It was later that Hinchley became a teacher of chemical engineering , starting in 1909 with an evening course of twenty-five lectures and practical work at Battersea Polytechnic .
5 It was now that Nicandra fell into a sudden easy accord with Andrew .
6 I think it was now that Lili decided I stood in need of care .
7 It was now that gender became a significant factor .
8 It was now that Sean realised the bad decision that he had made .
9 Berlin 's line was now that Hess had flown to England to suggest peace , an idea , they said , that the British government was terrified might catch on .
10 The consensus was simply that Hollywood had lost track of what people really wanted but there were also a number of other notions .
11 It was here that Sigmar fought his famous battle against the Orcs .
12 Legend has it that it was here that Yusuf met his death beneath the hooves of his enemies , steeds ; here also that El Cid received a fatal wound .
13 It was here that Arthur fought and killed the giant Ritho , a fierce character who lived on the slopes of the mountain and wore a cloak made from the beards of chiefs he had slain .
14 Perhaps the decision was made because it was here that Manzoni fell when attempting to negotiate a stairway with more enthusiasm than regard for his age .
15 It was here that Oxford began to show their true worth .
16 It was here that Sybil decided to give up acting altogether and dedicate herself to Richard 's career and the eagerly expected family .
17 It was here that Richard bought his first car — a Flying Standard .
18 It was here that Jeremias Gotthelf ( 1797–1854 ) , whose novels portrayed early nineteenth-century life in the Emmental , served as village pastor .
19 He alleged that the private sector had received 80 per cent of the money and it was here that loans had failed to be repaid .
20 It was here that Frankie hid the black sharp-tasting seeds that he picked from her caraway cake .
21 St Giles 's cathedral nearby is more properly known as the High Kirk , having been formally designated a cathedral for only a brief period during the reign of Charles I. It was here that Charles attempted to impose a High Anglican liturgy , virtually a Mass , upon a Presbyterian society which responded with brawls in the church and outside , still remembered as the Jenny Geddes Riots after a vegetable seller from the market who was reported to have thrown her stool at the Dean 's head .
22 It was here that Napoleon consolidated his power by dispersing the hostile Council of Five Hundred in the Brumaire coup of 1799 .
23 It was here that Napoleon spent his working day when in residence at the Tuileries and from this study France was governed , for , as his ministers knew : ‘ The Emperor had no reason to fear that anyone doubted that he reigned ; he was even more anxious that they should know that he ruled . ’
24 It was here that Blackpool constructed thirty-four new Standard cars and six toastracks in the Twenties .
25 One was large and rectangular ; Melissa guessed that it was here that Angy had kept the wooden block of kitchen knives that Lou had mentioned .
26 It was here that Schellenberg had trouble with his map and then-they had a stroke of luck , a sign at the side of the road outside the village of St Aubin that said 12th Parachute Detachment .
27 It was here that Tony gave me my ring and told me that my funghi marinati was the best he 'd ever had in spite of him getting an earful of it .
28 It was housed in a block that included flats-for the use of repertory company members , and it was here that Crawford managed to give his chaperon the slip for a couple of days , feeling that at sixteen he was old enough to look after himself .
29 It was then that Chuck had carried out a quick examination of the unconscious Grant , to ascertain the extent of his injuries .
30 It was then that Olazabal wept , made no speeches and quickly and quietly left the course without speaking to the press .
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