Example sentences of "was [adv] a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I thought he was dead a long time ago .
2 We did n't go on the motorbike that time , since Darlington was rather a long way and the general unreliability of the machine argued against using it .
3 But she was aware that she had been preoccupied a lot of the time , all too aware of the mountain of work before her , and that it was rather a long time since she and her daughter had had any special outings together .
4 There was something rather reckless in my attending the present lectures at all , because it was in the depths of winter , and from where I now lived it was rather a long walk to the town — over a mile , at any rate .
5 Sorry , that was rather a long answer .
6 And if ‘ planning ’ is now possible at the level of the giant enterprise , perhaps straddling several branches of production , then the planning of the economy to meet social objectives is at least ‘ put on the agenda ’ : what was only a long run historical speculation in the era of smaller-scale entrepreneurial capitalism begins to look like an economically feasible proposition .
7 ‘ Well , the first record we did for RCA , it was literally a long hallway .
8 She was away a long time .
9 Oh they had it well would just be anything it was just a long roll th great big roll , just like It just sort of wrapped in a grey eh a big waterproof kind of co covering , and he would have er shirts and and er things like that for men to buy , or er and sometimes er overall or a pinny , as we said , for mother and the like of that .
10 There was always a long silence and I could see people thinking , ‘ Oh my God , this guy has lost it , big time . ' ’
11 It may have been John 's 28th birthday , but it was still a long day 's work with fellow presenters Anthea Turner and Diane-Louise Jordan .
12 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
13 The new chairman , Dr Gregor Gysi , told an emergency party congress at the weekend that the SED had made a start in ‘ breaking with Stalinism , ’ but added that there was still a long way to go in ‘ overcoming Stalinist structures ’ .
14 When the Congregational Union officially urged this new course on the colleges in 1902 there was still a long way to go : A. M. Fairbairn warned Sir Alfred Dale , then Principal of University College , Liverpool , ‘ I think one has to be very careful as to giving the theological colleges power over the regulation of degrees .
15 Although I could see marriage appearing in the distance , it was still a long way off .
16 He ran towards him as soon as he came in sight , and he was still a long way from home when the father first spotted him ( Luke 15:20 ) .
17 But while he was still a long way off …
18 Ford personnel director John Hougham said he believed industrial action was still a long way off .
19 But they explained there was still a long way to go .
20 Even so , Basque autonomy was still a long way from being achieved when , during 1933 , the left 's grip on power started to loosen .
21 The day left Anselm in possession of the pastoral staff , but there was still a long way to go before he was a fully consecrated archbishop .
22 But there was still a long way to go , for the intransigent opposition not only refused to give way but put intense private pressure on Paul to reject this pernicious doctrine of collegiality .
23 Five years after the FMI 's launch , in other words , full implementation was still a long way off and ultimate success was far from assured .
24 By now they were almost halfway down , the drop not so far as it had been , but it was still a long way and Maggie almost crept to the slight shelter of the rocky bank .
25 However , there was still a long way to go for Spain to be fully integrated into the world concert of nations ; indeed , this was not possible while Franco lived .
26 It was still a long way from biochemistry , i.e. the understanding of how these substances functioned in the living organism .
27 But Clive Lawton , head of educational services , said there was still a long way to go , and he warned against being carried away with a good idea if it were to impoverish the rest of the scheme .
28 It was still a long way .
29 But there was also a long list of failures .
30 He was also a long serving secretary of the Forty Club .
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